Beachcomber (Universe 2.0)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, black, white, and some silver, light yellow, metallic blue, and light red
Rating: 8.0

    Just like his original G1 form, Beachcomber here is a dune buggy, though he has a gun mounted on the rear tire, so it's ever-so-slightly military (which may run counter to G1 Beachcomber's "hippie" personality). Due to the proportions, it's a tad "kiddy" looking for a Universe 2.0 toy, but I'll cut it some slack in this respect because of the small size class. His mold detailing is very simplistic in vehicle mode, though, to the point where combined with the proportions he could pass as an Animated toy if you didn't look at the robot mode. There are two molded-in seats inside the "rails" of the buggy, however, and the silver and white paint really help add contrast to the otherwise predominantly dark black and dark blue color scheme-- it's quite a good mix of colors. I am a little annoyed that the gun can't rotate or move at all unless you detach it and then re-attach it facing backwards due to the toy's structure, though.
    Beachcomber's robot mode transformation is fairly by-the-books for a Legends toy for the most part, but it's effective and gives him quite a good robot mode for this size class. (Plus there's only so many ways you can transform a car-shaped vehicle at this size anyways.) His hands are merely molded onto the inside of the pieces that form most of the front half of the vehicle mode, but this is pretty much standard for the size, and other than that he really doesn't have any kibble-- everything either forms his chest and legs or just goes on his back and out of the way. Even though it's been done before, I love his the seats from vehicle mode form Beachcomber's feet-- that's a really creative usage of vehicle parts, there. The G1-esque detailing on his chest and head are also very well-done and capture his original look and mood quite well. I especially like how they kept the "engine" mold/paint detailing on the chest even though that part doesn't form the engine in vehicle mode, it's just on the underside. Beachcomber also has fairly good articulation for a Legends toy too-- he can move at the shoulders (at two points), hips, and knees, and the shoulders and hips are on ball joints so you can get a good range of movement out of them.
    Universe 2.0 Beachcomber is the best original Legends toy from the line, in my opinion, and even though his transformation is fairly by-the-books he looks great in both modes and has a great color scheme and proportions, particularly in robot mode. Recommended, even for those who normally aren't fans of this size class.

Beachcomber Tech Specs:
Strength: 3.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 6.0
Fireblast: 1.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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