Six Shot w/ Revolver (Titans Return)

Allegiances: Decepticon
Size: Leader
Difficulty of Transformations: Medium
Color Scheme: Seafoam green, off-white, black, dark purple, and some silver, red, tinted clear plastic, white, and moderately pale seafoam green
Rating: 8.2

Robot ModeHead Mode
    Revolver is the appropriately-named Titan Master for Sixshot, and in robot mode he has what I would call fairly "standard" Titan Master mold detailing-- i.e., it looks quite a bit like a human in a robo-suit, like a lot of G1 Headmasters/Targetmasters/Powermasters. There are very human-proportioned arms molded onto the inside of his large arm flaps and fairly rectangular, standard mold detailing on the legs. His chest has an interesting "segmented" look to it with four different little details on his chest, and the head looks very much like that of your typical -Master, with a "normal" face surrounded by a helmet with two blocky antennae. I kinda wish the arms weren't so thick, but otherwise this looks pretty good-- mold-wise. Unfortunately there is no paint in this mode at all, and the only colors visible are off-white on the legs and seafoam green on the rest of the body. The colors certainly don't clash, but just those two colors aren't enough to feel like a "complete" scheme. His head and chest should have had a bit of paint, in particular. Like with all Titan Masters, Revolver can move at the head and back-and-forth at the shoulders, hips, and knees, with the latter two moving as one since the lower legs are connected into a "uni-leg". In head mode, Revolver suffers from the same issue as other Titan Masters paired with Leader-class figures-- the head on the Leader class figures needs to be bigger than your average Titan Master, so he's not a complete head by himself, Rather, he's Sixshot's faceplate and eyes with just a TITCH of his helmet on the side; the forehead isn't nearly large enough, with some neat "neurocircruitry" details on said forehead that make it look like they connect to the inside of the helmet you insert this into for Sixshot's robot mode. The red and white paint (which, it should be noted, is a more "pure white" than the off-white plastic) is a pretty good basic color combo, but this oddly-proportioned part-of-a-head will look pretty weird if you put it on some Titans Return figure that isn't Leader class.

Robot ModeMobile Missile Launcher ModeSpacecraft Mode
    As opposed to most of my toy reviews, we're going to start out with Sixshot's robot mode first, as it's his "primary" mode and so many of my comments about his other modes hearken back to parts of this one, so let's get this one out of the way first. (Oh, and yes it says "Six Shot" on the packaging for copyright purposes, but Imma stick to calling him by his original no-space name.) Sixshot is VERY accurate to his G1 toy in this mode-- basically just that toy with the proportions and articulation modernized/improved. His proportions are largely spot-on, though perhaps making his arms and main body just a BIT less square would've looked better. Then again, he IS a six-changer, and with that in mind this is a pretty darned good mode, all things considered. The only "extras" are the wings on his back and on his chest, and it could be argued that the former help his silhouette, plus they stay out of the way pretty well. I do wish the chest wings weren't there as they're kinda annoying, but if they really bug you you can open up the chest and slide them into slots that are used for some of his other modes, keeping them hidden. Yeah, there's also stuff like visible wheels and tread pieces, but those are all pretty minimal, especially for a six-changer. Sixshot's helmet does a pretty good job of enlarging the head to make it look relatively proportional, though the forehead visor is a bit too bulky; it makes it a bit hard to see the eyes. As for the color scheme, he's mostly off-white, black, and seafoam green, with a fair amount of deep purple on his legs and some silver here and there, particularly on his lower legs and back wings. It's definitely a late '80s type of color scheme, but the "cool" colors work well on a Decepticon. The only real odd color is the seafoam green, and honestly that makes Sixshot look more unique and it doesn't clash, so I don't mind it. I particularly like the shade of purple on the legs, though, to the point I wish it was used just a titch more, perhaps on a little more of the off-white, as that's my least favorite color of the bunch. (I think a more "pure" white like that of the paint would've looked better on the plastic.) There's no one section that's too much of one color, though, so that's always a bonus. I despise the foil stickers on his chest and wings, though-- they look cheap and flimsy, and with the light reflecting off of them it makes it hard to see the dark purple details on said stickers, particularly those on the chest. The mold detailing on Sixshot is there, but it's mostly nondescript beyond "robotic" for obvious reasons, given how many things he turns into. There's angles, vents, circuitry, and the like on most major pieces, with some stylistic lines here and there as well. In this mode, Sixshot can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), hips (at three points), knees, and slightly up-and-down at the toes. Considering how well-balanced he is-- and that his hips are ratcheted-- he can pull off some darned good poses because of all of this. For weaponry, Sixshot has two single-barreled guns that can be combined into a double-barreled gun that can sit a Titan Master on top of it.
    The first of Sixshot's alt modes is one of his weakest. It's a mobile anti-aircraft artillery... thing. Basically it's his robot mode laid down on its front with the legs folded up and back, the wings down, the head into the chest, and the arms fiddled with a bit. To be fair, I do like how bulky the body looks, with a little cockpit up front for Revolver to sit in. The wings, folded against the side, do a pretty good job of bulking out the body (so long as you keep the legs folded up forward there on the back to mostly cover up the "weaker" parts of the body near the rear). The sides have some nice vent details on the front, but very obvious wheels regardless of whether they're pointing downwards or not. Plus, the arms oddly cannot scrunch up to make the two tread-detailed pieces on the sides of Sixshot's arms one solid-looking piece. Nope, there's a very obvious elbow piece in the middle of each side, which just looks pretty darned unsightly. The guns sticking out of the front of missile section/feet-- as well as the added gun accessories on the sides-- help to sell the upper section as a devastating arsenal, but the back half of this top section is a bit weak, with obvious window halves near the back from another alt mode. (There also is no real back end to speak of, just the back of the upper legs and knees.) The legs also don't lock into any particular position or even lock together in this mode, making that whole top section seem a bit "unfinished" and arbitrary, compared to how well locked-together most other aspects of Sixshot are in his other modes. (Do I have the leg guns pointing forward or up a little? Where do I precisely bend the knees? etc. Without pegs or something to aim for, it's hard to tell where to "aim".) Sixshot has six pegs on top of this mode for Titan Masters-- one of top of each of the side sections, about a third of the way back, and another two on the top of each wing, one near the front and another about two-thirds of the way back on each.
    The second of Sixshot's alt modes is a spacecraft. This is actually one of his more solid alt modes. Sure, as you'd expect with all the alt modes on a six-changer, there's some extras and some proportional issues. The wings are too far back and a bit too small, though the silver paint on them and the foil stickers on them help them stand out more. The nosecone is VERY large and long, though given that he's a futuristic spacecraft, this can be chalked up to that if you want to. The weakest part is the back end, as the arms are pretty darned obvious on the sides, with the wheels and treads pretty obvious back there as well and not at all hidden. So that Revolver can sit inside the transparent cockpit near the back, Sixshot's helmet has also been folded out of the back end, so that's definitely an eyesore. The chest wings help make this mode a bit more obviously a spacecraft, though-- you don't think two relatively small wings on the top would do that much, but they really do work. Painting almost the entire top of the jet nosecone black helps "unify" that large chunk of plastic, as well. There's a small faux cockpit near the center of this mode that really appears to "beef up" how big this mode is supposed to be by how small said cockpit is. Sixshot's two guns slot onto the end of the wings in this mode, which is just a perfect place for them and really emphasizes the "futuristic fighter" part of this mode. There's also, unexpectedly, a fold-out landing gear underneath the nosecone, not needed but appreciated. There's also two more Titan Master pegs in this mode, on the top of the nosecone about halfway back on each side.

Transport ModeBeast ModeSubmarine Mode
    Another of Sixshot's modes is a four-wheeled transport... thing. It's basically Sixshot made as square as he possibly can be. As far as being a definitive "oh yeah, I can EASILY identify exactly what kind of vehicle that is!", this mode is pretty poor, but in terms of being solid and generally proportional, it's one of Sixshot's best. The wings and the back of the wolf head piece form a solid topside of the back end, with the two guns pegged into the top of the wings (which are folded forward). For some reason the wolf jaw is folded up to form a seat, but that's actually not where Revolver can sit; rather, he sits in one of two open seats for him behind the silver window details on the front purple portion of this mode. Anyways, said front section is pretty solid; beyond the silver window details, there's gold foil stickers with little Decepticon symbols on them (which actually look good, compared to the silver foil stickers), along with the guns folded together on the front end to kinda look like a grill, which is a cool little addition. There's also parts of the feet folded out of the sides of the grill, for... reasons I can't quite figure out. The sides of this mode are generally solid-looking as well, with the exception of that darned obvious elbow section on each side that just REFUSES to collapse into the other arm parts for some reason. Otherwise everything pegs in and there's an actual solid back end to this mode, so props there.
    Yet another of Sixshot's alt modes is a winged wolf, which in theory sounds impressive, but in reality is just his robot mode down on all fours with a different head and the legs backwards. He's got paws instead of hands, and the little guns from his missile launcher mode form the back toes. The rear legs are easily the weakest portion of this mode, as they're far too bulky to be remotely convincing as wolf legs--even for a mythical winged wolf (and it's only a winged wolf because, let's be honest, there was nothing to do with those wings). There is also a noticeable cavity in the middle of the wolf back because of the wolf head and neck flipping out in front, but it's not a huge deal. The wolf head piece itself has a nice angular, robotic, and mean look to it, though the cockpit on the underside makes it look like he has a fat neck. A neat touch is that both of the guns combine to form the tail and fit quite snugly on the butt, so they don't fall off too easily or anyting. As opposed to having a normal cockpit for Revolver, for this mode he transforms into head mode and fits in right behind the wolf head, in the cranial area, which actually makes a ton of sense--I love it. There are two more Titan Master pegs available in this mode-- one on top of the base of the neck, and another near the back end of the exposed cavity on the main body. For articulation in this mode, Sixshot can move up-and-down at the neck and jaw, as well as at the wings (at two points, both near the base), the shoulders (at two points), front knees (at two points), slightly up-and-down at the front feet, at the hips (at three points), and at the rear knees, though for a wolf they're pretty high up since they double as the robot knees.
    Last-- and probably least-- when it comes to Sixshot's alt modes is his "submarine" mode. Now, what exactly about this mode says it's a "submarine"?! Nothing-- because it's a nod nod, wink wink from Hasbro. Because of laws against toy guns, they couldn't call it Sixshot's gun mode (which he had in G1), even though it looks nothing like a realistic gun, so instead they just flipped it upside down and called it a submarine. Still, though, even considering that this is supposed to be a gun and flipping it around, it's a pretty weak gun. It only works as a gun from the aspect of the vague silhouette. The arms near the back sides are complete extras in this mode and just big eyesores, and having the upper legs exposed in the middle of the body of the gun makes the whole bit look a bit less solid, as well. What really makes this a "gun" are two things. First off, the two gun weapons are combined and stuck onto the top (or bottom, depending on how you're orienting him in this mode) of the front section, and the "feet guns" are extended as well, giving Sixshot a lot of concentrated firepower on the front end here, thus making it gun-like there, even though the "barrel" is basically nonexistent/far too wide. Secondly, in a rather ingenious and solid manner, the wolf head piece folds straight up (or down) and the two wing pieces peg into it VERY solidly, forming a handle for the gun that fits your hand perfectly (well, at least MY hand). Other than these two things, there's just bits of all his other modes sticking out here and there-- this was definitely one of the last modes considered for this toy. The instructions say Revolver can sit in either of the two seats he could fit in in the four-wheeled transport mode, but if you're turning this mode upside down as intended he'll fall right out, so just stick him standing upright on a Titan Master port, I guess?
    Titans Return Sixshot has a very impressive robot mode, but his alt modes range from pretty decent to weak. Of course, he does have SIX modes, so that's always something to keep in mind, and thus I judge his alt modes less harshly because of that. He's got a lot of playability, and the way his Titan Master can fit somewhere in each mode is also impressive. My main issue is that I wish they had departed a bit more from just his G1 design updated with modern proportions and articulation; I think with today's technology changing up some of his modes and not making it basically a carbon copy of his G1 toy in terms of alt modes would've resonated more with me. Still, although most of his alt modes are lacking in some aspect, he's a VERY playable toy, and if you don't care about realistic alt modes I'd say he's a mild recommendation.

Six Shot w/ Revolver Bio:
Six Shot is the perfect weapon. He's ruthless, relentless, and built to eliminate anything that stands in his way. His power is matched only by his thirst for destruction. Decepticon Revolver is one of the only bots who can keep up with him. A master of all combat types, he's trained to take down targets in any scenario.
Strength: 10 (14)
Intelligence: 10 (15)
Speed: 4 (8)
Fireblast: 10 (15)

Reviews by Beastbot

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