Octone w/ Murk (Titans Return)

Allegiances: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation to Truck: Hard
Difficulty of Transformation to Jet: Medium
Color Scheme: Off-white, dark purple, gray, very dark bluish gray, and some black, silver, blue, light orangish "cheesy" yellow, dark gray, dark red, and transparent purple
Rating: 8.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titans Return voyager Optimus Prime w/ Diac. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titans Return vouager Optimus Prime w/ Diac here.)

Robot ModeHead Mode
    Since Octone is a remold of Optimus Prime, his Titan Master Murk is a remold of Titan Master Diac. In robot mode, Murk has no new mold changes; in fact, he's pretty bland and clearly an afterthought in terms of colors and looks. In robot mode Murk's all off-white with a purple head, and that's it. No paint at all, and having just the head be purple is kinda weird. In head mode, Murk has a new face-- i.e. Octane/Octone's face. It's pretty spot-on to Octane's head in terms of proportions, with large diagonal forehead bits, a center angular bit in the center of said forehead, and some helmet sections on the side of the face with circular "ear buds". The entire helmet area is painted purple, while the face is painted silver and the eyes a dark red. From a side view, having just the front of the helmet be purple while the rest of the head is off-white looks a bit odd, but otherwise it's a solid new headsculpt.

Truck ModeJet ModeRobot Mode
    Octone's color scheme is, as you'd expect, pretty similar to his G1 toy's, but with a few extra bits of color here and there. A lot of him is off-white, which by itself is pretty bland, but the purple contrasts extremely well with it on the lower arms, the shoulders, the head, bits of the lower legs, and hands. In general this means that the robot mode's color scheme is a bit better and more varied, since more of the purple is available there (though a nice transparent shade of purple is used for the cockpit). In his other modes, however, there's quite a bit of both a medium shade of gray and a very dark bluish gray. Though the medium gray-- on some sections like the soulders and wings-- doesn't really look all that great since it's also monochrome like the white, the dark bluish gray at least adds a bit of dull color on sections like much of the truck front, the robot chest, and abs. There's also some black on expected parts like the wheels. To add in a bit more color variation, there's some foil stickers consisting of purple stripes surrounded by dark blue stripes on the wings and sides of the truck mode. I don't normally like foil stickers, but the colors on these and the way they fit against the off-white just looks right, for some reason. For some accent colors there's some light orangish "cheesy" yellow spike-like details on the abs, blue stripes on the tailfins, silver on the truck windows, and dull gray on the airplane windows. They're mostly decent little accents, but they don't really add much to the color scheme since they're so small/minor overall.
    As for mold changes, Octane has longer, thinner wings than Optimus, and generally they look much better proportionally, even if they don't fold behind the back in robot mode and they make the truck halves on the side of the jet mode more obvious. (They also stick out of the back end of the truck mode just a titch.) The jet nosecone sections have also been remolded to look more realistic-- another plus, in my opinion. The chest plate and abs have been changed to match the G1 toy a bit better, with a less detailed, flatter chest (but with a few "bolt plating" details molded in). The interior of the truck pieces on top of the shoulders is also different, with some more bolt-plated armor details in there. Instead of a sword, Octone comes with a long, single-barrel gun, while he keeps the dual-barreled gun that Optimus has. As already mentioned he also has a new facesculpt, though when plugged into the robot mode, the side antennae bits that pop up that are meant for Optimus don't really look good on Octone.
    Octone is definitely the character this toy was made for, and looks substantially better than Optimus in jet mode in particular. The robot mode also looks better overall with a less back-packy look with the thinner, more straightforward wings framing his form. The color scheme is pretty decent-- the off-white and gray are a bit bland, but the purple really contrasts well against both, and the foil stickers actually look good-- though it's not the main draw. To me it's that we've finally got a decent-sized, fairly accurate Octane toy that looks great in all molds. My favorite use of this mold/design-- recommended.

Octone w/ Murk Bio:
Using the power of Titan Masters, the Decepticons rise up to destroy the Autobots! When Decepticon Octone unites with Murk, the results are toxic. With Murk, Decepticon Octone gains the ability to produce corrosive clouds of toxic fumes, capable of wiping out any bot in pursuit.
Strength: 6 (10)
Intelligence: 6 (7)
Speed: 7 (9)
Fireblast: 4 (6)

Review by Beastbot

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