Sabretooth (Face)Sabretooth (Full shot)

Real Name: Victor Creed

Mutant Power: Superhuman strength and regeneration, as well as... er... the ability to roar and have sharp nails

Voice Actor: Michael Donovan

First Appearance: "Strategy X"

Back Story: Although the details of his back story weren't revealed in the Evo series, Sabretooth was used in the same top-secret project ("Weapon X") as Wolverine. He, however, was a willing subject, until Wolverine pretty much ruined the project. After Weapon X was pretty much abandoned, Sabretooth went solo for a while, destroying the occasional parking garage or something. He was eventually recruited into Magneto's team in "The Cauldron", and has been a loyal member ever since, although he still does his own thing once and a while.

Personality: As much screen time as Sabretooth's gotten (a moderate amount, all things considered), he has surprisingly little depth in his personality. He roars a lot, he's always after Logan, and he likes to smash and throw stuff. And he's loyal to Magneto. That's it, really. I don't think there's been even one scene in the entire series where he hasn't been angry. He's basically just a thug, nothing more. So, because of his shallow personality (and his rather uncreative powers), I'm not too fond of Sabretooth.

Final Reflections: Evo Sabretooth looked a lot cooler than the "classic" version, but that was really about it. As I mentioned above, he really doesn't have any depth to his character, and is one of the (very) few Evo characters that's rather forgettable.

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