Armorhide (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Very dark dull military green, light milky gray, military green, and some black, silver, dull metallic gunmetal gray, light yellow, red, and tinted clear plastic
Rating: 9.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Movie Landmine toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Movie Landmine toy here.)

    Although he's a repaint of a previous toy that was a completely different character, Armorhide here isn't just our typical name-reuse new repaint character-- from the bio and his identical tech specs, he's meant to be an upgraded version of the first Movie toy of the same name. Other than a somewhat similar color scheme, though, the two toys don't really share anything in common. That's not to say that Armorhide isn't a good repaint, though-- he's a lot darker-shaded of a military buggy than Landmine was, his primary color in vehicle mode being a green so dark it's nearly black. It looks pretty good against the light milky gray (though said light gray itself is a bit boring of a color). There's a ton of silver and gunmetal gray "military markings" on Armorhide's vehicle mode to keep him from looking too dark-- stuff like "DEFENSE", "CMR", the N.E.S.T. Global Alliance logos on his side doors, and the like. (There's also a "10-22-80" logo above the windshield, which is obviously a date, but I have no idea what it's referencing. A designer's birthdate, perhaps?) The robot mode is really where the colors mix together well, however, as the lighter military green-- nearly absent from the vehicle mode-- is quite evident and helps the contast a lot. There's also some neat, small little red "highlight" paint apps here and there, which really make the figure pop quite a bit more than it otherwise would have. Heck, all the paint apps are particularly well-placed to keep Armorhide from having any one section too dominated by one color.
    No mold changes have been made to RotF Armorhide.
    RotF Armorhide is a pretty nice repaint of a pretty nice mold, having pretty realistic colors while not completely sacrificing an eye-catching color scheme (primarily because of all the silver and red paint apps all over him). My favorite version of this mold-- highly recommended.

Armorhide Bio:
Things have been slow lately, so the discovery of a Decepticon hiding right under his nose was like a dream come true for Armorhide. He's enjoying working alongside Bumblebee, since his damaged vocal processor means the other Autobot can't complain about his methods. Armorhide doesn't care about stealth or safety. All he cares about is bringing Dirge crashing down.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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