Windstrike (Single-packed) [RID 2015]
Weapon ModeRobot ModeWeapon Mode (w/ Armor)
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Semi-metallic red, transparent yellow, and some silver, milky moderately light blue, and light blue
Rating: 4.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original version of Windstrike. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original version of Windstrike here.)

    Windstrike's single-pack release pretty much is a polar-opposite of her initial release (in the "Mini-Con Battle Pack" with Alpine Strike Sideswipe), with the main color now being red instead of light blue. The red plastic used for most of Windstrike is a really nice shade, being a bit semi-metallic in nature due to some glitter mixed in with the plastic. The blue plastic that's on some minor parts of the toy like her feet and handle is also pretty awesome, being just a shade or so off from periwinkle and a really attractive shade in and of itself-- and it goes excellently with the red, contrasting quite nicely. Being a Mini-Con, her color scheme is pretty basic, so that's mostly it for the "core" toy, but there is some silver on her weapon mode blade and face, with a additional bit of light blue paint on her eyes. I do wish there was a bit more paint on all that red in robot mode to break her colors up some more, but in weapon mode the paint apps and more prevalent blue make her color scheme look less uniform and better-looking there.
    Although no mold changes have been made to the core toy, Windstrike's armor pieces are all-new for this version, and are a transparent yellow color. I kinda wish they were more of a "cool" color to better contrast against all the red, but it's still a decent shade. For her armor pieces, Windstrike has a very blade-like, edgy chest piece, with details that go around the gear on her chest and make it look like she has a pretty nifty-looking knight helmet on. She's got small blades that attach onto the end of each hand for some shivving action (IF she could move her arms forward, that is), and two pieces connect around her blade in weapon mode to make it a bit longer and wider, along with giving it three points, two of them pointing sideways. (All armor pieces can fit on her in both modes.)
    Windstrike's color scheme is pretty neat for a simple little Mini-Con, and I think as far as the core robot goes, she looks a bit better than her Battle Pack version. However, although still decent-looking, her armor pieces aren't as impressive in weapon mode as on her initial version. It should also be noted that this wave of single-packed Weaponizers is quite difficult to find outside of a few countries like Canada. Everything else being equal-- let's just ignore the aftermarket price/availability of this version for this summary-- so which version of Windstrike I would recommend depends on your priority, primarily because of the armor pieces. If the robot mode is more important to you, get this version. If you prefer the weapon mode, go for the Mini-Con Battle Pack version.

Review by Beastbot

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