Dragonus (Weaponizer; Single-Packed) [RID 2015]
Weapon ModeBeast ModeBeast Mode (w/ Armor)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, transparent greenish yellow, and some purple, dark metallic purple, and red
Rating: 7.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original version of Weaponizer Dragonus. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original version of Weaponizer Dragonus here.)

    Boy, Dragonus just can't figure out what side he wants to be on, can he? First a Decepticon, than an Autobot for his first Weaponizer version, and now back to a Decepticon again! Make up your mind, dude! Anyways, This is basically Dragonus but in more "evil" colors than the version that he came in in the 4-pack; his main plastic color is black, with some purple plastic on the four pieces that connect his wings to his main body and some dark metallic purple paint on the top of his two main blasters on the front. It's a well-tested color scheme, but there's a reason for that; it works pretty well. Both colors contrast excellently with each other, though I wish there was a bit more purple paint to help break up the contrast a bit more on, say, his dragon body. He's also got some red for his eyes, which helps them stand out against all the face details on the black plastic around them.
    No mold changes have been made to the core toy, but since the 4-pack version didn't come with any transparent armor pieces, this one comes with the same armor pieces that came with the original (non-Weaponizer) Dragonus. Unfortunately, they don't fit thematically as well with the toy, now that he's all right angles and fairly robotic, whereas many of his armor pieces (like his helmet, claws, and small wing parts) looked more organic like his original version. It also means he has the two hind legs for an animal armor combiner that you can't form, given they stopped doing those after Wave 2 of the Mini-Con single packs. The pieces DO seem to fit better into their slots than on the original, at least on my copy-- no little wing pieces constantly falling out of their holes, here. The color used for the transparent pieces is a bit odd, being a kind of slightly greenish yellow... honestly, it looks like urine yellow, if I'm being brutally honest. It contrasts against the black well enough, but a more straightforward yellow-- or making them something like green or red-- would've looked better overall, I think.
    The single-packed version of Weaponizer Dragonus is the best version of one of the best Mini-Con molds. It's a solid toy overall, and now in a great black-and-purple color scheme. I wish he had new armor parts to better fit his new look-- and that the new parts were a different shade of yellow that looked less urine-y-- but overall he's a very easy recommendation, if you can find him. I say "if you can find him" because this toy was in the second wave of single-packed Weaponizers, which was quite difficult to find outside of a few countries like Canada, so you may have to pay a premium for him, in which case it's probably not worth it.

Review by Beastbot

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