Grimlock (Stealthasaurus Rex) [RID 2015]
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, light milky gray, green, and some silver, dull mustard yellow, and moderately light blue
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original RID2015 3-step Grimlock toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original RID2015 3-step Grimlock here.)

    "Stealthasaurus Rex" honestly would be kind of a cool name without the Grimlock name following it. As it is, it's kind of a mouthful. Maybe just "Stealthasaurus Grimlock"? Anyways, by the standard of most redecoes today, Stealthsaurus Grim isn't a huge change from the original. The green plastic is the exact same shade as on the original 3-step changer; same with the light milky gray plastic (it's also in the same places too, for that matter). There's only two major changes that have been made to this Stealthasaurus redeco, and the first is the addition of more black. The base color for Grimlock's robot arms/dino legs is now black as opposed to green. I guess that makes him stealthy? Well, it certainly makes him more boring-- without that extra green there's a bit too much black on him, particularly in robot mode, if you ask me. The other major change is that many of the green (or black) paint apps from the original have been replaced with a dull mustard yellow. I'm not really sure how exactly this is "Stealthsaurus"... is it supposed to represent his copper, but dulled down so he can sneak around? But then those parts weren't copper on the original... Huh. Well, anyways, it contrasts against the black alright, but it's still dull, and doesn't pop nearly as much as a brighter shade of the color would have. In keeping with the "less than your typical redeco" job Hasbro did with Stealthasaurus Grimlock, the paint masks are even the same-- the mustard yellow paint apps are all in the exact same spots that the green or black paint was on the original figure. Also in keeping with that feel, the light blue on the eyes in both modes is the same here as on the original, as is the silver on the t-rex face and teeth. The bronze dino headcrest has been replaced with a mustard yellow headcrest on this version, which again, looks similar but not as exciting. the black "eyebrow" paint apps on the dino head are gone, but they aren't replaced with anything elsewhere on the figure, unfortunately. In robot mode, Grimlock's face is now silver as opposed to copper-- both negative changes that don't look that exciting.
    No mold changes have been made to Stealthasaurus Rex Grimlock.
    Stealthasaurus Rex Grimlock isn't much of a redeco-- he takes the color scheme of the original 3-step changer, but adds more black and dulls most of the other colors, making him look relatively bland in comparison. It's still a pretty good 3-step changer mold, but given that the original is better AND much easier to get, there's no reason to get this redeco unless you're a Grimlock completist.

Review by Beastbot

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