Allegiance: Vexoran
Buzzclaw Weapon Body Size: About as large as Quickstrike's body trunk
Rhinox Body Size: Do I really have to tell you?
Vexoran Body Size: Slightly larger than Rhinox
Gender: Male
First Appearance: "Prometheus, Part I"
First Appearance in Rhinox Body: "Prometheus, Part II"
First Appearance in Vexoran Body: "Alien Saga, Chapter 3: The Abduction"

    First, when Prometheus was introduced, he was a small little "parasite" that was introduced with Buzzclaw, and he seemed loyal to Megatron. He was very small in this body, just being a small piece of orange flesh connecting a pair of insect wings with a pair of mantis pincers. He had no visible mouth in this mode, and he seemingly communicated telepathically, although it is not certain.
    Soon, however, he convinced Megatron that he could infest other transformers, and he quickly infested a damaged Rhinox. A few megacycles later, Prometheus had control of Rhinox's body. Of course, Prometheus looked mostly like Rhinox now, except for one difference; the optics were black instead of red.
    It was soon discovered that Prometheus was one of the aliens, and when he returned Rhinox's spark, which had been protected in a small flesh sac, to Prometheus' leader, Tarad, Prometheus morphed back into his original alien form. He looks like just about any other Vexoran in this body, being completely black, with four arms mounted on the sides of his body trunk, each with two large claws on them. His head has no eyes on it, only a large mouth, filled with many teeth. No transformer is certain how any Vexoran can see, but they can. Prometheus' legs are "bird-jointed", like Beast Machines Cheetor's are. The feet have three large claws on them, all at the front of the feet. Prometheus has the ability to morph into various objects in this mode, as well (which is why he looked like he did when he was introduced).
    Personality: Very mysterious, Prometheus usually keeps to himself. He one of Tarad's bodyguards, and Tarad is the only one Prometheus reveals any secret information to. Prometheus has a deep, echoing voice, as do most Vexorans. Prometheus is also quite a good actor, as he fooled all the Maximals and Predacons into thinking that he was an alien life form with amnesia in "Prometheus, Part I".
    Weapons: N/A, except for when he was in Rhinox's body, when he had the "chain guns o' death".

(NOTE: The following statistics do not take effect until after Prometheus takes over Rhinox's body; before that, he was practically useless in combat.)

Strength: 9.1
Intelligence: 10+
Rank: 8.0
Firepower: 3.8
Endurance: 6.1
Speed: 7.2
Skill: 10+
Courage: 10.0

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