Swoop (Power of the Primes)

Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Leg: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Arm: Easy
Color Scheme: Milky gray, black, blue, red, and some metallic gold, silver, metallic moderately light forest green, light metallic silvery blue, and clear plastic
Rating: 9.2

Beast ModeRobot Mode
    Swoop's beast mode is, of course, a robotic pterodactyl, and it's quite G1-accurate with some modern enhancements-- though not as many as I'd have thought. Proportionally the head is great, and although the wings are a bit skinny, wing-span wise they're probably in the ballpark. The main body, though, is where this mode is easily the weakest, and that's usually been the case with any Swoop faithful to the G1 design. Although the fists are tucked in, the arms are fairly obvious on the sides of the main body (though at least they're mostly covered up by the wings), and he's got a "jet backpack" as opposed to that mass going into a proper back end. Instead, he has small feet that-- though they're proportionally okay-- actually hang down from the TOP of the back end of the bottom, so even if you extend them to full length they just BARELY touch the floor, and that's if you angle his feet. It's just kinda weird how he's basically part pterodactyl, part jet, but has these useless little feet behind him. Again, this is accurate to the G1 source material, but I wish they had changed this a bit more. The mold detailing is quite impressive on the toy and the biggest visual upgrade from his G1 self, with vents, circuitry, and panels present practically everywhere, ESPECIALLY on his wings. Like most of the other Dinobots, Swoop's color scheme is mostly a milky gray-- not quite the light shade that's VERY blah, but it's still kind of a bland shade, even if it is a bit darker. His pterodactyl head is mostly made of clear plastic, but then painted on the underside with some metallic gold paint, which just looks so cool, and I'm glad it was done to all the PotP Dinobots. There's an Autobot symbol on the middle of his beak, while the rear section of his head, his eyes, and his bottom beak are painted red-- along with some circuitry details on the sides of the back and the lower portions of his pterodactyl feet. To help add in another shade, black is used for the neck, the portion that becomes his robot feet, part of his arms/sides of the body, part of the back, and on his Prime armor piece. (Like other Prime armor pieces, you can take out the clear plastic piece in the center and put a Prime Master in the spot; otherwise it serves no function in this mode, and plugs onto the top of his back. The spikes on the front are pretty cool, though.) For some minor accent colors, there's some silver on the sides of his pterodactyl head. His sword weapon can also store underneath his beak-- it looks a bit odd, but I guess it gives him a way to more easily impale 'bots while flying. For articulation in this mode, Swoop can open/close his mouth, move his neck up and down slightly, move his pterodactyl legs at two places (for all the good that does), and his wings can move out-and-in at the midpoint and up-and-down near where they meet the body, which is pretty decent for this kind of alt mode. It should also be noted Swoop has six pegs on the top of this mode that Prime/Titan Masters can stand on-- two near the base of each wing, and two on his back.
    As with most other Swoop toys, the transformation is pretty simple-- the back folds out to become his legs, the arms fold out from the sides, and the pterodactyl head folds down onto his chest, with the rear portion becoming his robot head with that characteristic pterodactyl headcrest. Proportionally, this mode is pretty solid overall, though his arms do seem a bit small, particularly for a Dinobot. (Of course, if they were bigger they'd be bigger eyesores in alt mode, so I guess there's that.) The biggest color reveal is the blue on his chest in this mode, which looks great and helps give him a bit more contrast, especially when compared to the other Dinobots. The aforementioned enhanced mold detailing also really helps make this mode more interesting visually, not just with the wings but all the little bits of detail on his lower legs, the arms, and the chest. Beyond the pterodactyl head on his chest, he's got some silver G1-like paint decals on the sides of his chest, along with a nice shade of metallic forest green on his wrists that looks so good against the milky gray I wish it was used more, G1-accurate or not. The pterodactyl feet on his lower legs help keep those pieces visually interesting, and his headsculpt is solid, complete with minor silver-painted side vents and a fairly neutral expression on his "normal" face, with triangular, light metallic silvery blue eyes on a silver-painted face. For articulation in this mode, Swoop can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows, inwards at the wrists, rotation at the waist (if you unplug his pterodactyl head from his chest slightly), and movement at the hips (at two points), knees, up-and-down at the ankles, back-and-forth near where the wings meet his body, and up-and-down at both the base of the wings and about halfway up each. Thus, he's pretty darned articulated, and pretty well-balanced as well. Swoop's Prime armor piece can fit either directly into his hands or on a peg hole on the side of each lower arm piece, but generally it's kind of a large fist-like shield in this mode, and not really impressive.

Arm ModeLeg Mode
    Swoop's arm mode is his robot mode, but with the legs pegged together, his Prime armor plugged into the bottom of his feet, his arms and wings folded up to connect to his main body, and then his pterodactyl head flipped up a bit to merge with his robot head while his combiner peg comes out of his back. Especially for a beastformer, this is a pretty solid armor mode. From a usual angle (i.e., from the side), the pterodactyl head peaks out enough and serves as a nice "shoulder", while the wings help cover up most of the obvious robot bits on his main body and generally make the shoulder look more solid (though I do wish the arms completely folded up, instead of the lower arms poking out just a bit in front of the wings). The legs forming the lower arm is pretty typical, and generally it looks pretty solid, though the rectangular "hole" in the lower portion of the lower arm is a minor eyesore. For articulation in this mode, he can move at the shoulder (at two points), at the elbow (at three or four points, depending upon how you bend the arm), at the wrist, at the base of each thumb, and at the base of the four fingers on his hand (all as one piece; they don't move individually).
    Although most combiner leg modes are more similar to the alt mode than the robot mode, not so with Swoop. In fact, Swoop's leg mode is basically his arm mode more compact, with the legs folded up being the main difference. The robot arms are also oriented in a position straight against the body like in beast mode, so they don't stick out from a silhouette perspective at all. The pterodactyl head also sticks down now, with the combiner peg sticking up behind the head, while the Prime armor piece combines with a leg piece from PotP Grimlock to form the combiner foot that pegs under the bottom of Swoop's feet. This is a remarkably solid leg mode, to the point where it's hard to find anything "wrong" about it at all. The pterodactyl head again forms a "cap" to help hide the combiner port a bit-- in this case, a kneecap-- and the rest of the toy is just pegged in very securely, nothing moves inadvertently. If I REALLY wanted to get picky I guess I could say it's a bit too boxy, but that's really looking for something. As with most leg modes, there's two points of articulation at the knee/combiner peg, and rotation at the ankle because of how the foot plugs in as well as an ankle tilt, but other than that there isn't any articulation in this mode.

    PotP Swoop is remarkably accurate to his G1 design while also A. improving upon the proportions in both modes and B. making solid limb modes, as well. I do think his alt mode is still a bit weak because of the "body backpack/tiny legs" issue, but this was an issue with the design in G1 as well. Otherwise, great proportions, great articulation, a solid look if a bit simplistic in his transformation-- the best of the PotP Dinobots, in my opinion. Highly recommended.

Swoop Prime Card Bios:
Prima: Soaring champion of justice.
Vector Prime: Precision time-strikes alter events and destinies.
Alpha Trion: Knows the weak point of any target.
Solus Prime: Forges devices to help others fly.
Micronus Prime: Power-links to share his flying ability.
Alchemist Prime: Plants disorienting fear inside enemy circuits.
Nexus Prime: Forms flying Dinobot combiners.
Onyx Prime: A warrior with wings invunerable to enemy fire.
Amalgamous Prime: Takes the form that strikes the most fear in enemies.
Quintus Prime: Seeds prehistoric life across the universe.
Liege Maximo: Charms his way into, or out of, any situation.
Megatronus: Aims less. Attacks more.

Review by Beastbot

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