Solus Prime/Octopunch (Power of the Primes)
Core ModeRobot ModePretender ShellPretender Weapon Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Prime Master Set
Difficulty of Transformations: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Seafoam green, fuchsia, and some pale blue, yellow, glossy gray, and off-white
Rating: 4.7

    As with pretty much every other PotP Prime Master, Solus Prime bears basically no resemblance to her previous designs (none of which made it to toy form, unfortunately). In robot mode, she looks mostly like any other Prime Master, at least sculpt-wise. She's got pretty generic detailng on her legs, with some "skinnier legs" detailed on the blocks that form her lower feet, and some hands molded into the end of her arm pieces, which have some small indentations around the shoulders as well. The chest has a couple of small square button-like details on it, but otherwise nothing noteworthy. Her headsculpt is pretty square, with two small side antennae, a visor, and a faceplate-- definitely VERY different from how Solus has traditionally been depicted. In this mode, her arms, upper legs, head, and the piece behind her body are fuchsia, while her lower legs and chest are seafoam green. It's pretty basic, but it's a pretty solid color scheme, and definitely connects her thematically with her Pretender shell. There's a bit of yellow paint on the optic and mouthplate, but that's it as far as deco in this mode. Like with essentially every Prime Master, in this mode Solus Prime can move at the neck, as well as back-and-forth at the shoulders, hips, and knees (the latter two as one for both legs, since the legs are molded together). In core mode, the core symbol is a pale blue-painted circle with an outline around it and a short line pointed downwards. Is it meant to be someone pouring molten metal into a mold (from a top-down perspective), since she's a weapons expert? That's about the only sense I can make of it. Anyways, the details in the fuchsia plastic surrounding the core symbol are pretty cool, with lots of round detailing that has a bit of a "royal" feeling to it, with details kinda resembling a many-pronged (but circular) crown near the top, as well as some linear details on the VERY edge of the square that look a bit like hair... I think they took Solus Prime's basic head design for this piece, took out her face, and added in her core symbol instead.
    The Pretender shell for the set is based off of G1 Octopunch, which looked like a deep-sea diver monster with octopus tentacles coming out of him. The main Pretender shell sticks to the more human aspect of Octopunch, while the weapon instead has the tentacles on it. On Octopunch's back the tentacles enhance his silhouette well enough, but when put in one of his hands as a weapon? It doesn't really look like a weapon, minus the barely-noticable blaster nozzle coming out of the center front. It IS well-detailed, though, with little suction cups on all four tentacles, and some more mechanical claw-like detailing near the center. (The bottom of the weapon has some more simplistic detailing, with some segmented lines on the tentacles and some basic rectangular details in the center.) As for Octopunch himself, it fits the bill of a smaller version of the G1 Pretender shell pretty well-- the head is just a deep-sea diver's helmet with a mysterious painted-on visor to hide who's really in there, while the body has some old-school mechanical oxygen hose hookup details on them. The arms are pretty straightforward, being round and robotic but otherwise not looking particularly unique. The legs get more fantastical, with a skull on the "belt", ridged upper legs, armored lower legs with pointy kneecaps, and two-toed sharp claw-like feet. From the front the color scheme is quite well-done-- in addition to the aforementioned seafoam green and fuchsia, there's also some off-white on the chest, gray on the waist and knees, and some yellow on the helmet visor and on the middle portion of the weapon. All in all, it's a great, varied color scheme, and my favorite scheme overall out of the PotP Pretender shells. As with the rest of the PotP Pretender shells, looking at him from the side he looks too wide, and it's all just seafoam green back there-- no other colors. It is covered with a good amount of mechanical mold detailing, though, including some pipes and circular details on the upper back. The arms can move forward-and-back and the shoulders in this mode-- like with the other Pretenders, Octopunch doesn't have much articulation. Just like with the other PotP Pretenders, Octopunch has a "weapon mode" where you just lay the shell on its stomach, flip out the weapon from the back, and then flip out a peg from between the feet so a larger Transformer can hold it. Most of the weapon modes are pretty underwhelming, but this one especially so, since that tentacle-thing doesn't really look like a weapon, and then of course you've got basically the whole body and arms as blatant extras in this mode. As with other weapon modes, you can attach Solus (or another Titan Master) on the top center to become a sort of "power source" for this mode if you want, but I generally just tend to ignore these awful weapon modes.
    Although the Solus Prime/Octopunch set definitely has its fair share of downsides-- an awful weapon mode, very limited articulation, the Pretender looking too wide from the side-- all of these downsides are shared across every Prime Master set. The color scheme itself of (mostly) seafoam green and fuchsia looks fantastic, and Octopunch is a very unique Pretender and one of my favorites overall. Because of this, this is my most-recommended out of all the Prime Master sets.

Review by Beastbot

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