Autobot Outback (Power of the Primes)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light tan, muddy brown, and some silver, black, and dark metallic blue
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titans Return Legend-class Brawn. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titans Return Legend-class Brawn here.)

    This one was almost certainly coming once Brawn got his own mold at the Legends-class scale, and here we go. Outback is a pretty straightforward repaint, following his G1 scheme quite closely. He's mostly a light tan plastic, with a fair amount of muddy brown paint and plastic, with the latter color used mostly on the robot chest, as well as on the lower legs, lower arms, and front bumper. Black is also used a fair amount, although it's mostly used for the wheels (and faux "extra" wheel), as well as for the windows, a small piece on the top of the front hood, and then on a small stripe on Outback's pelvis. All in all it makes for a very "desert-y" color scheme, which of course is perfect for a robot named Outback. Additionally, there's a bit of silver paint, used on the lower arms (which are molded in muddy brown plastic, so it pokes through a bit on areas like the fist holes), the head, and on a small bit of his front bumper. It helps add a little variety to the color scheme, but not much-- rather, most of the color variety on this toy comes from spreading out the tan, brown, and black rather effectively in both modes. There is one foil sticker on Outback, on his stomach-- it shows four different little mechanical details like a speedometer and some lights. Kinda odd-looking on a modern toy, but at least it's small.
    One mold change has been made to Outback, and that's a new headsculpt, which does a very good job of modernizing his G1 head. It's curved at the sides and forehead, with a flat top, a forehead vent, and large side-chin guards. His face is rather "normal", with a visor that's indented for his nose. His entire head is coated in silver paint, except for the visor, which is painted a nice metallic dark blue shade. All in all it's a pretty nifty sculpt.
    Power of the Primes Outback is a pretty spiffy repaint, though he's very by-the-numbers, not really introducing anything new to the character nor being a particularly interesting mold himself (though what is here is well-done). That said, his tan, brown, and black are broken up more effectively than Brawn's colors, which is why out of the two, I'd recommend Outback more.

Autobot Outback Prime Card Bios:
Prima: Freedom fighter who leads rebellions across the universe.
Vector Prime: Time travels to alter his future and control his destiny.
Alpha Trion: Erases all rules from city and command center databanks.
Solus Prime: Forges and wields an indestructible battering ram.
Micronus Prime: Power-links to share his ability to travel over any terrain.
Alchemist Prime: Refines Energon to fuel rocket-speed travel over ground.
Nexus Prime: Forms a heroic rule-wrecking vigilante combiner.
Onyx Prime: Cheats the rules of fate and regenerates deactivated sparks.
Amalgamous Prime: Takes forms that allow him to defy the law of gravity.
Quintus Prime: Seeds civilizations without laws or rules.
Liege Maximo: Can convince any bot to break any rule.
Megatronus: Eliminates anyone who tries to put rules on him.

Review by Beastbot

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