Megatronus/Bomb Burst (Power of the Primes)
Core ModeRobot ModeBomb BurstWeapon Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Prime Master Set
Difficulty of Transformations: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light brownish gray, moderately dark gray, and some dull pink, red, light sky blue, silver, and metallic gold
Rating: 3.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to PotP Liege Maximo/Skullgrin. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of PotP Liege Maximo/Skullgrin here.)

    It may not look like it at first glance, but Megatronus and Bomb Burst here are actually remolds of PotP Liege Maximo and Skullgrin. For Megatronus himself, all the robot parts are the same, being pretty darned generic overall. The colors are different, with the main body and lower legs being a fairly dark gray while the head, arms, upper legs, and backpack/core front are a light, slightly brownish gray. It's a pretty boring color scheme overall I must say-- yeah, the two shades of gray do contrast against each other, but they're still two different shades of gray. They don't pop in any sense of the word. At least there's a bit of silver paint on the face of Megatronus in robot mode. The new core sculpt looks really good, with the edges looking like a series of edgy, metallic entangled vines surrounding the Megatronus symbol, which is outlined in red and contrasts nicely with the light gray. Said symbol looks like a sharp, three-pronged crown, both on the top and on the bottom-- emphasizing not just how Megatronus feels about himself, but also the first letter of his name to boot. There's also a few "bling lines" on the edges to show off Megatronus' crown's majesty, I guess. Anyways, one of the best of the PotP Prime symbol designs.
    Bomb Burst is the Skullgrin mold, but with a different front section that flips down for the Prime Master to fit into-- that is, a different head, chest, pelvis, and upper legs. The new piece is very well-detailed, both in terms of paint and the mold itself. He's a Bat.... man, not to confused with the DC superhero of course. The head is a fierce, angular-looking face, with gold eyes and light blue ears. The chest plate looks like cracked armor, painted a dull pink with some claw-like details on the top and bottom. The pelvis has some medieval-like armor details on it, and is painted a somewhat dull gray. That said, despite the neat new details, Bomb Burst as a whole has a color scheme just barely above Megatronus', with the claw weapon on the back, the arms, and the base color of the chest being light bronwnish gray, while the rest of the body-- the back and the feet-- are a fairly dark gray. Again, there's a bit of contrast, but not much at all, making this guy look pretty boring as far as his colors go.
    PotP Megatronus/Bomb Burst isn't a bad design any more than the other PotP Prime Master sets are, but the colors are blaaaaannnd, and combine that lack of visual interest with the issues that all other Prime Master sets have and he's definitely one of the worst sets released. Not recommended except for completists or Pretender fans.

Review by Beastbot

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