Elita-1 (Power of the Primes)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeTorso Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Torso: Medium
Color Scheme: Moderately dark red, white, and some black, soft coral pink, dark gray, dark metallic blue, light sky blue, and yellow
Rating: 7.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Power of the Primes Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of PotP Starscream here.)

    Elita-1 is such an extensive remold of PotP Starscream, it's basically easier to list what ISN'T a remold of Starscream-- which, beyond her Prime Armor parts and jet nosecone, is basically just minor connector parts. The transformation is shared, as well. First off, her wings are completely different, having longer "intake" vents at the end of each wing and with large holes in them, making her look a bit lighter and more aerodynamic than Starscream. However, as much as I despise foil stickers, I REALLY despise them here, as they cover much of the top front two-thirds of her jet mode with shiny pink stickers that blare back at you if you've got even a bit of light against them, blinding out many of those simple mechanical details on the stickers. It really looks bad against the rest of her jet mode. The tailfins are also more angular, with the top portions having small bits that actually point forward, almost looking like she's got little guns up there. All of this, combined with the more segmented detailing on the top rear section of this mode, makes Elita-1's jet mode a bit more alien than Starscream's. In Elita-1's robot mode, of course she has a new headsculpt-- which is spot-on Elita-1 from the G1 cartoon, complete with a rather complicated helmet with two minor antennae sticking out of the sides diagonally, a yellow bit across her soft pink forehead, and a white "normal" face with light sky blue eyes. Compared to Starscream, Elita's shoulders and hands are a bit smaller (and the former have Autobot allegiance symbol foil stickers on them), though the lower arms are still as abnormally chunky and odd as ever. They've got nifty ridged white designs on the back of them this time, though, so there's that. In place of Starscream's larger null rays, Elita-1 has much smaller blasters-- you could almost call them "pea shooters"-- that can fit in the same places, either in the middle of her upper arms or held in her fists. Her chest is more feminine than Starscream's-- no faux jet mode chest here, just a curvier body with red sides, a white stomach, and soft pink on the upper chest. Given her chunky proportions because of her transformation, though, the chest sticks out too much, looking a bit odd. Her legs are a bit more slender-looking, but still pretty oversized given her design. She's got slimmer upper legs, with skinnier, more angular designs on her lower legs. Her feet look like the front portion of high heels, but given how the back of the lower legs is designed she doesn't get the rear portion of those high heels. As for the torso mode's head (either Elita-Infin1te or Orthia, depending upon who you want to combine her with), it basically looks like a larger version of her normal head, but with longer, more apparent diagonal antennae and a more obvious central headcrest, complete with a center vent on the top and three small circular details on her yellow forehead-bar. It's decent, but for a combiner head I would've wanted something a bit more unique.
    As for Elita-1's color scheme, she does have some soft pink plastic on her head, chest, upper arms, and on some minor connector parts, but largely her traditionally pink-and-white scheme is now dark red-and-white. Personally I think this looks better, not being a big fan of pink, and it was also probably done to make her more palatable to a predominantly male audience at a Voyager pricepoint, as well. The red and white go together quite nicely, though the colors are broken up a bit better in robot mode than in vehicle mode. For another dark color, there's some dark gray on her shoulders and lower legs, which "bleeds through" to the top end of her jet mode too, though having those rear sections being half-gray and half-dark-red looks a bit odd. There's also some nice dark metallic blue on her cockpit windows-- a quite nice shade, I wish it was used more often. There's some small pink-and-dark-gray paint apps on the sides of her lower legs, and some pretty cool cybernetic "E1" signs on her tailfins, with "Elita One-- Autobot" in smaller text underneath them, in case you didn't get the reference. Beyond the foil stickers I've already talked about, she has silver "Elita-1" stickers on the sides of her nosecone, and some more pink/red foil stickers on the pieces that are next to her nosecone, as well as next to her rear thrusters and small stickers on her lower arms. In other words, WAY TOO MANY foil stickers! For a couple of small details I guess I don't mind them that much, but used this much they just look bad on an otherwise painted, modern toy. Black is used on her Prime Armor pieces, but nowhere else. Finally, there's a bit of yellow spray on the small "Matrix-like" power-up piece that you can stick in either of her Prime Armor pieces or in her chest in combined mode.
    Instead of redecoing PotP Starscream into yet another Seeker redeco, PotP Elita-1 was a nice, more original remold of the toy, with a fairly solid color scheme that takes her G1 scheme and makes it a bit redder, adding some more interesting shades to the mix and some nice mold changes. However, unless you're a big fan of the character or must have an all-female combiner composed of already existing characters (i.e., not Victorion), I still wouldn't recommend this toy, because of all the mold flaws discussed in the Starscream review (that is, very odd 'bot proportions and a TON of unsightly kibble in vehicle mode) and because the foil stickers are especially obnoxious on this toy. Still, she's slightly better than Starscream overall.

Elita-1 Prime Card Bios:
Prima: Powers up to battle the hordes of Unicron.
Vector Prime: Freezes and accelerates time without draining her energy.
Alpha Trion: Reconstructs fallen bots to forge epic warriors.
Solus Prime: Forges epic weapons to bring down Decepticon combiners.
Micronus Prime: Power-links to share her ability to stop time.
Alchemist Prime: Develops a spark-stopping compound that fakes a bot's deactivation.
Nexus Prime: Strips Decepticon combiners of their ability to combine.
Onyx Prime: Has a telepathic connection with Optimus Prime.
Amalgamous Prime: Has the power to spark-shift and mask her true identity.
Quintus Prime: Seeds other Valkyrie warriors across the galaxy.
Liege Maximo: Seeds intricate misdirections to disguise Autobot missions.
Megatronus: Instantly eliminates anyone suspected of untruths.

Reviews by Beastbot

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