Mirage GT (Basic) [RiD]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Basic (comes in a Mega-priced 3-pack with Nightcruz and Scavenger)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Japanese Name: N/A; RiD-only release
Color Scheme: Bright yellow, light black, transparent smoky black, neon red, and some silver and dark gray
Mold History: Mirage GT's mold was originally used for the Beast Machines toy Mirage, which came out back in 2000.
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Beast Machines Mirage. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Beast Machines Mirage here.)

    Mirage GT's vehicle mode (not to be confused with the Spychanger Mirage- rather uncreative name reuse, I know), while pretty cool mold-wise, has an absolutely HORRID color scheme. The bright yellow is way too...bright, and the neon red definitely doesn't help matters much. The black helps the contrast a little, but it still doesn't do much, since almost the whole thing's bright yellow in this mode.
    Mirage GT's robot mode is a little better, since there's more black and less yellow. The color scheme still stays mostly the same, however, and because of this, the toy still looks rather bad, and is still too bright. An interesting thing one might notice during Mirage GT's transformation is that his Vehicon spark crystal has been replaced by a solid red orb. I would have preferred an Autobot spark crystal, as that would have been pretty cool, but Hasbro admitted that these repaints were a bit rushed in their development. At least he's still got an Autobot symbol on his hood in vehicle mode.
    No mold changes have been made to Mirage GT since his predecessor, so Mirage GT retains all the positives and negatives in that area.
    Mirage was one of the best molds of Beast Machines, if not THE best, so it's nice to see his mold get used again. The color scheme used for this repaint was rather horrid, but if you can see past that, it's still a rather good toy. The Beast Machines version is better, though.

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Review by Beastbot

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