Cliffjumper (War for Cybertron)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Moderately dark glittery red, very dark gray, black, clear tinted plastic, and some silver, transparent yellowish orange, and yellow
Rating: 8.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations Cybertronian Bumblebee. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations Cybertronian Bumblebee here.)

    The relative number of times Bumblebee has been repainted into Cliffjumper has lessened over the years, but it's still done-- as is the case with this toy, of course. The colors are quite true to Cliffjumper, with red and black being the main colors. The red is a bit darker, more metallic of a shade than is usually used on Cliffjumper toys, and looks quite nice. The black used in vehicle mode breaks it up quite nicely (and the tinted clear plastic used for the windows is so dark it might as well be black in that mode). In robot mode most of the "black" is in fact a very dark bluish gray that contrasts almost as well, but keeps Cliffjumper from being a bit two-tone. As far as accent colors go, the silver used on parts of the robot mode looks alright, but the yellow highlights-- such as the lines down the sides of the vehicle mode, the taillights, and the spots on his stomach-- really pop against the red, and make the toy considerably more eye-catching all by themselves. The transparent yellowish orange plastic used for his wrist-blades, wheels, and headlights is also a nice shade, but unless you have a strong light shining behind the figure it doesn't contrast quite enough to stand out against the red.
    The head mold for Cliffjumper has been changed-- no Bumblebee head on this guy! It's a very G1-looking head, however, which can cause some minor problems for those picking up. Oh, he fits his appearance in the Nintendo DS version of War for Cybertron just fine, but when he was later used in the (more popular) 360/PS3 Fall of Cybertron game, his head was changed to look more like it does in the Prime series. Given that that's probably what most will remember him in the games as, it can be a bit disconcerting here, with the body looking completely "accurate" except for the head. That was a change that came well after this toy hit the shelves, though, so I won't hold it against this figure.
    Generations "War for Cybertron" Cliffjumper is a pretty nice (if predictable) repaint of a decent mold. If you like futuristic vehicle modes, Cliffjumper, and/or the War for Cybetron/Fall of Cybertron games, then this release is for you.

Cliffjumper (War for Cybertron) Bio:
Even before the war, Cliffjumper was constantly spoiling for a fight. The Decepticons just gave him an excuse. He's been bending fenders and smashing heads for years now, and the fun never stops. Despite his short temper, he gets along well with the other Autobots, who appreciate his eagerness to take the first shot in every battle.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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