Warpath (Generations)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull brick red, light milky gray, silver, dark glittery gray, pale metallic bronzish gold, and some black
Rating: 7.6

    Warpath's tank mode is a bit hard to classify; it's not exactly realistic in its proportions, but it has enough realistic detailing all over the place (vents, molded-in ladders, a hatch molded on top of the turret for a person to (theoretically) climb in, etc.) that I don't think it classifies as a "Cybertronian" tank, either. Unfortunately, this means he looks like he should be more solid than he is. Warpath is one of the regrettably several "H-tank" Transformers that have been released in the past decade or so, with a visible gap in between the front treads. Part of Warpath's back sticks out between the rear treads, making it more like an "A-tank" with the back half just as wide as the front (actually a little wider), though there are pretty visible gaps in between the rear treads and the main body, too. There also isn't any real back to the tank mode, either-- another minor downside, but they all add up. There are definitely two different treads on each side of Warpath, which fairly obviously correspond to his appendages, even if you haven't seen him in robot mode. Even a little fold-out panel to close that gap on each side would've really helped. The turret is well-done, though, being able to rotate completely around in this mode, and the cannon can move up and down. Warpath also has a spring-loaded missile launcher (which can easily be accidentally fired) on the right side of the turret and a (non-firing) missile pack on the left side. Both can rotate at a point slightly before they join with the turret piece itself, so these don't have nearly as wide a range of movement as the main cannon. The color scheme of dark, dull red, and various shades of gray isn't particularly exciting, but it IS accurate to G1 Warpath, and the dark glittery gray is a nice shade of that color (not so much for the blah light milky gray). The silver paint apps on the treads look great against the red as well, but most of said paint apps aren't as visible in this mode as they are in robot mode. The "ZOW-333" and "K4-90W" military-esque markings on the side are ingenious little nods to Warpath's characterization, though, with him often saying words like that ("ZOWIE!" and "KA-POW!") in the middle of his sentences.
    Warpath's transformation is slightly more involved than it looks, but the overall robot mode design is tons better than his iffy vehicle mode-- this was definitely the mode that took design priority. It's basically a more bulked-up, "fiercer" version of G1 Warpath, right down to the shortened tank cannon sticking out of the center of his chest (when you push the turret in, his head flips up into its robot mode position, in a nice little pseudo-gimmick). His head sculpt is excellent, homaging his G1 self quite well while adding in some extra deals to make him look tougher. The addition of a few metallic gold paint apps helps to bring a little more color to this mode, though the more visible paint apps help to do that as well. Other than the flap of plastic behind his head, there's no vehicle mode extras at all in this mode, with everything fiting into his "core" robot mode build quite solidly. I love the generally bulkier proportions of his appendages (upper arms excepted), though I have to say having a hollow gap in between his fists and the top of his lower arms is a little distracting. Warpath's got excellent articulation-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows, slightly up-and-down at the wrists, and at the hips (at two points), knees, and limited movement at his ankles. Given his wide feet and utter lack of backheavyness, this all means you can get some pretty cool poses out of him. In addition, Warpath has four places for C-clip weapons on him, if you have any other Transformers with those kind of weapons-- there's one point on each lower arm, and one on each lower leg (all four can also be accessed in vehicle mode, to boot).
    Generations Warpath is a fairly easy recommendation for fans of the character-- but if you're not, there's several Generations toys that are better (though there's also a fair number that are worse, of course). His robot mode is excellent in nearly every way, but his vehicle mode is rather iffy and not as solid-looking as a tank should be.

Warpath Bio:
Wherever the fight is, that's where Warpath wants to be. His super heavy armor and powerful weapons mean he doesn't have to worry about things like orders or tactics. He just heads straight for wherever the fighting is heaviest, pouring fire into the enemy, and hoping there's someone left standing to give him a good fight when he gets there.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 3.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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