Cliffjumper w/ Suppressor (Generations; Legends)

Allegiances: Autobot
Size: Legends 2-pack

(NOTE: Because this set is composed of repaints, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the set and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original versions of these molds. For a review on Roller-- the mold used for Suppressor-- go here. For a review on Generations Legends Bumblebee-- the mold used for Cliffjumper-- go here.)

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformations: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, mustard yellow, pale light green, and some silver
Individual Rating: 5.3

    Suppressor doesn't seem to be an homage to anyone in particular, and exists more because Cliffjumper needs a little buddy in his 2-pack. Anyways, Suppressor has some rather original colors, being primarily a mix of black, mustard yellow, and a really pale, pastel shade of green, the latter of which is primarily hidden in vehicle mode. The mustard yellow and black contrast against each other quite well, and the yellow is dull enough where it's not obnoxious, even when there's a lot of it. The shade of said yellow fits right in for the vehicle mode. The light pastel green I'm a bit less crazy about, though it does give the other colors a light, pale color to play off of-- I just think these shades of green and yellow don't look all that hot together, though the green and the black contrast against each other well enough. All of the mustard yellow is paint, which is honestly a bit impressive for a toy of this tiny size-- on the downside, this means that Suppressor's robot mode is almost completely lacking in paint besides his yellow face, but the vehicle windows are painted black and the front bumper has a bit of silver on it.
    No mold changes have been made to Suppressor.

Suppressor Tech Specs:
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 5.0


Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (w/ Suppressor, Weapon Mode)
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Red, black, and some silver, light metallic silvery blue, moderately dark violet, and dull yellow
Individual Rating: 8.1

    Cliffjumper follows his usual pattern of being mostly red with black on the windows, wheels, and some of his robot bits like his upper legs. As per usual, these two colors go together excellently, even if they're not all that original, and as per usual, there's a bit of silver to bring a light color accent to the toy. The silver rims on the front and sides look particularly good and help add a bit more color variety to both his modes-- particularly his robot mode, which has a few less prominently visible paint apps than the vehicle mode. This isn't a strictly by-the-numbers Bumblebee redeco, though; the most obvious differences are the black-and-purple curved stripes on the sides and the purple "V" stripes on the front hood. The violet looks excellent against the black along those stripes on the sides, but unfortunately because of the transformation, there's a rather unsightly gap in the stripe on each side near the midpoint. I do wish the violet was a bit lighter in coloration too, as it tends to blend in a bit too much when it's right up against the red, as is the case with the hood stripes. I do like the added color and the slight nod to Cliffjumper's "Dark Energon" fate in the Prime toyline, though. For purely accentual colors, Cliffjumper has dull yellow for his taillights and part of his front headlights, which help add a bit more coloration, particularly on the vehicle back end/robot shoulders, where it's really needed. That said, the front headlights are an odd half-silver and half-yellow mix, which looks a bit odd without any mold detailing to distinguish the yellow bits as "blinkers" or anything. His eyes are a light metallic silvery blue, which looks nice on his face sculpt.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Cliffjumper; however, since he comes with Suppressor, this mold now has its own rifle in addition to a Transformer-weapon, which helps give this toy some much-needed firepower in robot mode.

Cliffjumper Tech Specs:
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 6.0

    The Cliffjumper & Suppressor set is one of the better 30th Anniversary "Legends 2-packs" in the Generations line. Both of these molds aren't bad for their size-- yeah, Supressor isn't amazing, but he's not bad either for the size-- and even if there's minor issues, the colors on both of them surpass the colors on the originals, in my opinion. I also love the addition of a little bit of "Dark Energon" paint on Cliffjumper. Mildly recommended, particularly if you want these molds but are sick of Bumblebee toys.

Cliffjumper w/ Suppressor Bio:
Fiercely loyal to the Autobot cause, Cliffjumper sometimes allows his suspicious nature to override good judgment when it comes to rooting out traitors. Before a vital scouting mission, Cliffjumper is certain he's already discovered a Decepticon spy: his partner, Suppressor. A new recruit whose loyalties are murky, Suppressor must earn his comrade's trust or risk capture behind enemy lines.


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