Autobot Springer ("GDO" Generations) [Toys "R" Us Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Bluish gray, black, light green, and some dark forest green, yellow, transparent blue, light blue, metallic greenish gold, silver, and light milky brownish gray
Rating: 8.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Autobot Alliance Tomahawk. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Autobot Alliance Tomahawk here.)

    This version of Springer-- like many "redeco toys" of him-- has decided to leave the "triple-changing" aspect aside, and instead has focused on one of his G1 toy's alt modes-- in this case, the helicopter mode. Having an Apache-esque helicopter works great for Springer's vehicle mode, and this version focuses on more of his gray coloration in vehicle mode, with his light and dark green plastic colors coming more into play in robot mode. I quite like this decision, as it makes the modes look a bit more individualistic, given the mold's simplistic transformation. The light and dark green are both great shades of the color, and complement and contrast against the others excellently, particularly the black and yellow. The gray on the helicopter mode does admittedly look a bit dull, but at least it's realistic. Springer's also got some light milky brownish gray used for "minor" parts like his landing gear, missiles, and waist piece-- I'm not fond of this color, so I'm glad it's used sparingly. The other accent colors are some yellow trim in vehicle mode, some silver on his face and tailfan, and a rather unique striped light-blue-and-greenish-gold pattern on his wings. The yellow and the wing patterns really help to shake up his alt mode in particular, keeping any one large part from being just one color (bluish-gray, in particular). I do wish that his dark green plastic was used in a few other places, though, as it's a GREAT shade and is only really visible in robot mode.
    GDO Springer has two mold changes-- first off, he has a new head mold, and a very G1-y head mold at that. It looks almost unchanged from his G1 design, with the proportions only SLIGHTLY modernized. The head itself looks great-- but not on this movie-esque body. With the chicken-walker-like legs of the robot mode and the general look of the toy, the head sticks out like a sore thumb-- even if you had never seen Tomahawk, you'd KNOW from looking at Springer that this was not this toy's initial head sculpt. On a more positive note, Springer comes with a sword accessory, which can be stored underneath one of his wings in helicopter mode (or, obviously, held in one of his hands). It's nice to see Springer's signature weapon make it onto this toy.
    Generations "GDO" Springer is a pretty decent mold with a fairly nice and fairly G1-accurate color scheme. However, his head is incredibly out-of-place on a movieverse toy, and a new mold, triple-changing Springer was released less than a year after this toy, making this release of the character a very hard recommendation despite his decent score, unless you're either a diehard Springer fan or just really really like this mold.

Autobot Springer Bio:
Whenever danger strikes, Autobot Springer is there to strike back. He leaps into action at a moment's notice, never caring for his own safety as long as there are others to protect. His heroic nature is backed up by incredible natural fighting skills and the inborn ability to lead.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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