Skywarp (Legion) [Generations] {Discount Retailer Exclusive}
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legion/Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black and some dark dull purple, silver, dark metallic red, and metallic bronze
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Autobot Alliance Legends "G1" Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Autobot Alliance Legends "G1" Starscream here.)

    You probably know the drill by now if you've been familiar with Transformers for over a year; this is a redeco of Starscream in mostly black, purple, and silver as Skywarp. For the most part, this is a fairly by-the-numbers repaint; he's nearly all black, but Skywarp does have some silver paint on his robot chest and face, which contrasts excellently with the black, as does the metallic bronze used on both his "real" jet cockpit and the "fake" cockpit on his robot chest. (The bronze and silver look particularly nice together.) There's also just a touch of really nice metallic red for his robot eyes, and his violet Decepticon symbols also serve as nice accent colors against the black. However, there's a bit of a mis-step with this Skywarp redeco, and that's just how dull and dark his purple paint apps are (which are on his thrusters, feet, lower arms, and stripes on his wings-- again, pretty by-the-numbers). His purple paint apps are so dark that they blend in with the black too much under anything but bright light. From a more angular view, the stripes on his wings just "disappear" into all the black plastic, as does his other purple paint apps; and given how dark he is already and how relatively little bright colors there are in his jet mode in particular, this is not at all a good thing.
    Skywarp has the same holes in the wings as the modified version of this mold-- but he doesn't come with the little extra null rays, which is a bit of a bummer. He's got the negative mold changes without any of the positives, and it's not like he's any cheaper because of this omission.
    Generations "Dollar Store" Skywarp looks decent and at long last completes the trio of Seekers for this mold, but I find it a disappointment. Purple and black are sort of Skywarp's main colors; having the purple not be vibrantly contrasting against the black makes him look relatively unpainted at many angles when he's actually not bad in terms of number of paint apps. The other colors are still nice enough, but as it is this is one of the few times where Thundercracker's color scheme beats out Skywarp's, for me.

Skywarp Bio:
Skywarp has produced countless powerful weapons and experimental systems for his Decepticon comrades.

Review by Beastbot

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