Autobot Whirl (FoC)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Moderately light orange, dark navy blue, dark milky brownish gray, and some light sky blue, dull metallic gunmetal gray, and light milky gray
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations FoC Vortex. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations FoC Vortex here.)

    Like the other Wreckers in the Ruination gestalt, FoC Whirl's colors are a bit of a mishmash of previous influences. His G1 light blue scheme obviously plays a factor, though there's some dark blue and orange in there to give him some color-coordination to the RiD Ruination gestalt member Ro-Tor. A bit odd of a pull from different sources, but the colors themselves go together marvelously. The dark blue is quite an attractive shade, and the orange contrasts with it extremely well, while avoiding being so prominent as to throw off the general "darkness" of his main colors. The light sky blue paint on his swords, windows, eye, and bits of his chest and back end fit with the FoC "Energon conduit" look quite well, and complement and contrast against the dark blue nicely, too. There's also a bit of dark brownish gray used on a few of Whirl's robot bits and his main weapon-- I'm not too fond of this color as it's pretty plain, but at least it doesn't detract much from the other colors.
    First off, the obvious remold-- Whirl has a new head. It's not as long as his head is typically depicted due to alt mode space restrictions, but the mono-eye look definitely makes it unique, and the sculpting and paint on it are nicely done. Also, beyond this mold's swords, this version ALSO comes with a gi-normous (proportionally) rotary gun weapon. If you press forward on the light gray lever, the five barrels pop out of the front, spinning quite rapidly for a second or two-- and then you can push the lever back to retract the spinning piece for another go. It's a pretty neat weapon, if a bit big for the toy it comes with, and it has several 5mm ports to plug in other weapons, so Whirl can indeed hold all three of his weapons at once-- another nice little feature.
    Despite the fact that I think the general robot mode structure doesn't fit G1 Whirl's traditionally somewhat odd proportions, FoC Whirl has some nice remolding in terms of his face and a great new weapon accessory. Add in that his color scheme looks great all around (no matter where it came from), and this is my favorite deco job this mold has gotten, so if you at all like the FoC Combaticon molds, this is a definite pickup.

Autobot Whirl (FoC) Bio:
No one has ever seen a helicopter pull the stunts that Autobot Whirl makes look simple. He twists easily through the air, nearly matching the speed and maneuverability of the numerous Decepticon jets. His flashy behavior makes him a target on the battlefield, but taking fire is all part of the job. If the Decepticons are focused on him, after all, they won't see his teammates closing in.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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