Autobot Topspin (FoC)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, dark milky brownish gray, and some light milky gray, silver, dark periwinkle, dull metallic gunmetal gray, moderately light blue, and light orange
Rating: 9.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations FoC Blast Off. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations FoC Blast Off here.)

    Topspin's color scheme is a bit of a nod to his G1 toy-- in terms of it being white with blue being another main color-- but he's also a partial homage to the RiD Ruination member Movor in terms of the orange. The white plastic color that's used for most of Topspin is certainly appropriate for a space shuttle-esque vehicle, though it also makes him look a bit too similar to G2 Blast Off, as well. The two different shades of blue-- a darker periwinkle on the sides of his legs and back, as well as the bits of lighter blue on his knees, chest, eyes, and cockpit windows-- both contrast with the blue very well and complement each other too-- they certainly look more interesting than just one shade of blue would have. Silver paint on his engine "stripes" and some dark brownish gray on his weapon and some minor connecting pieces help add a neutral color to the scheme, though a more metallic, less brownish shade of the gray would've looked better. The light orange is an accent color, to be certain, but it contrasts with the blue stripes on the chest extremely well and is quite eye-catching. That said, against the white the orange is too bright to really contrast against that color much, and I'm glad it wasn't used anymore than it was.
    Topspin, appropriately, has a new head mold, based off of his G1 character. Unlike his G1 version, though, his head's mostly white here, with his optic visor and forehead vent blue and his face silver. I wish there had been a bit more blue to call to mind the G1 character a bit more here, since his headsculpt is otherwise so crisply detailed and so definitely G1-ish, but it still looks quite good as is. A upgrade this mold gets when compared to Blast Off, however, is that in addition to the two "wing guns" Topspin also has a fairly large gun that-- when you push back on the lighter gray lever on the side it-- has a sawblade come forward, spinning a bit as it does so, while the front of the gunbarrel retracts into the weapon a bit. Unfortunately it can't be locked into that "sawblade out" position, but I honestly don't mind-- it's a really cool gimmick that calls to mind Dark of the Moon Ratchet's, and is just fun to use again and again. It also has some 5mm ports-- including the gun barrel-- so you can plug other weapons ino this toy to make it even larger and more unwieldy for Topspin to handle. (A port has also been molded into the top of the vehicle mode for this weapon to mount easily in its center.)
    FoC Topspin's colors are pretty fitting, and by themselves look good, even if I would've preferred more blue to both make it more visually interesting and distinct from G2 Blast Off, and because I don't like the toy's color scheme "sorta homaging" two completely different TFs at once (Topspin AND Movor). However, the addition of a really nifty, solid weapon and great headsculpt puts him above all the various releases of this mold except for the mass retail version of Blast Off. Recommended.

Autobot Topspin (FoC) Bio:
The conquest of new territories is just as important to Autobot Topspin as the defeat of the Decepticons. Whenever he's not charging into battle alongside his teammates, he can be found alone in the galaxy's wildest places. He is an explorer and adventurer at heart, with an unquenchable desire to see whatever mysteries lie behind the next mountain.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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