Starscream (FoC) [Generations]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray, moderately dark red, dark blue, and some transparent orange, charcoal black, dark brownish gray, pink, and silver
Rating: 7.7

    Starscream's "Fall of Cybertron" form is-- as you'd expect-- a Cybertronian jet. In vehicle mode he looks decent, though of course it's a bit hard to know what to compare it to beyond the video game design. Some of the complaints I have against this mode have to be made with the caveat that, although they look odd to me, they ARE that way in the game model, for example-- such as the overly small main and tail wings, and his "undercarriage junk", made up primarily of his large feet-exhaust-ports. There is one rather obvious robot mode extra that ISN'T in the game model, though, and that's that the back of the head is blatantly visible a bit behind the cockpit in this mode. This is made all the more obvious since the head is a different color than the surrounding parts, and is definitely my biggest beef with this mode (and the toy, really). This said, the "undercarriage junk" DOES taper out of the bottom of the jet gradually as you go back, with much of it hidden by where you store Starscream's weapons in this mode, so it's not as big of a deal as it normally would be, to me. The nosecone and cockpit are very well-done and game-accurate, and there's also some little "cockpit" detailing inside the transparent window, which is always a nice little touch. The mold detailing overall is pretty spot-on game accurate, being minimalist and angular in some areas (such as the wings) but more detailed on other parts where needed (such as the sides of the nosecone and the weapons). His color scheme is certainly Starscream-y, being largely light gray with some pretty big spots of dark red and blue. There's not a TON of paint detailing, but the colors are still broken up quite well and what paint there is is used smartly. That said, I would've appreciated a bit more of the pink (I can't believe I'd ever type THAT phrase...), since the bright "Energon lines" along certain conduits throughout the figure were such a big part of the WfC/FoC aesthetic. As for Starscream's weapons, he has two triple-barreled cannons that rotate when you rotate the gray gears behind them. Individually they look pretty cool (and can store in multiple points along the bottom of the wings and main body in this mode), but you can also combine them together to form a near-perfect replica of the game's "Neutron Assault Rifle"-- and when you spin the gears of one, both barrels rotate with this combined weapon!
    Starscream's transformation is quite simple-- mostly consisting of just unplugging his feet, folding them out under the cockpit-chest, then folding the arms out and the head up-- but it ends up being quite a game-accurate toy in robot mode. The only real "extras" are the wings behind his shoulders, and they enhance his frame and look, so much so that I consider them a plus. His lower arms could stand to be a BIT beefier, but that's a small quibble; otherwise he's proportionally quite solid. I particularly like the little details that lead to most of the parts sitting "flush" with each other, like the way the sides of his chest compress and are then covered with a small red panel on each side, and the tip of his nosecone folds into his stomach-- things that weren't necessary, but help make him look that much better. That said, the lack of any sort of tab to lock his shoulders in place in this mode is baffling; granted, they're not so loose that they flop around, but I'm not sure why such an obvious design oversight was made. His head is detailed very nicely and game-accurately, and the light piping for his eyes works remarkably well. I also rather like how two bits of the jet mode stick up above his head and shoulders in this mode, emulating his classic design. For articulation, Starscream can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows (at two points), wrists, and at the hips (at three points), knees, and a bit of side-to-side movement at the ankles and up-and-down movement at the toe on each foot. Given how stable his feet are, this means you can get a pretty decent number of poses out of him.
    "Fall of Cybertron" Starscream is a very game-accurate toy, with a pretty well-balanced color scheme, good articulation and proportions, and a pretty awesome weapon. That said, his robot mode is most definitely the better of the two-- his jet mode has a fair amount of proportional issues and robot mode "extras" (the worst being how visible his head is), though I admittedly don't take off as much from his overall score there as I otherwise would have, given how many of those proportional issues are game-accurate.

Starscream (FoC) Bio:
There was a time when Starscream was an honorable soldier who fought for the defense of Cybertron. But long isolation aboard an orbital platform made him greedy and ambitious. Given the opportunity to once again lead troops, he gladly joined Megatron.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 3.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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