Air Raid (FoC)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark milky charcoal gray, moderately dark red, dull metallic gold, silver, and some transparent red and metallic gunmetal gray
Rating: 9.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations FoC Shockwave. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations FoC Shockwave here.)

    Despite his name, Air Raid isn't meant to be an homage to the G1 character of the same name, but rather his fellow Aerialbot, Fireflight. (I'm guessing at the time Hasbro was having trademark issues with the name.) His general color scheme definitely fits what his name's intended to be, with a slightly dull, slightly fiery red making up his main color, along with a healthy dose of a nice (slightly dull) shade of gold and a milky charcoal gray making up his main secondary colors-- both of which, obviously, go with the whole "flame" thing he has going on quite well. His transparent plastic is-- obviously-- a nice cherry shade of red as well, and in robot mode a fair bit of silver comes into play around his chest and face, too. A bit of gunmetal gray finishes out his colors, basically being a paint-matched version of his charcoal gray plastic. It all goes together astonishingly well for a flame-themed Transformer, with just the right amount of every color. There's definitely plenty of paint apps as well, so there's no large area of just one color.
    Air Raid has a new headsculpt, based on a more streamlined, detailed version of G1 Fireflight's. I LOVE this headsculpt, with the little rivulets of detail running across his silver-painted head, and the rather fierce-looking eyes and gunmetal faceplate. The light piping also works decently on the eyes, though not as good as Shockwave's. A new headsculpt isn't all that's been changed for Air Raid, though. For one, he's got a new chestplate as well, which is a pretty cool design with two translucent hexagon-laced pieces, surrounded by gold & gunmetal paint and an Autobot symbol in the middle. (That said, the new chest doesn't "flow" with the mold's waist details as well as Shockwave's does.) The other major thing that's been changed for Air Raid are the mold's weapons-- as opposed to a blaster, a small piece that sticks on the top of his vehicle mode folds together to become a rather nifty-looking sword for robot mode-- again, translucent red with a silver blade and a gunmetal hilt, and it looks great. His other weapon is formed out of the "barrel" of his flying aircraft-gun mode, and is considerably more awkward-- it's another blade, but the way it's molded Air Raid has to hold it pointed forward. This looks a bit weird, though the side-guns are still on this "main" weapon, so at least Air Raid's got a bit of long-range capability, here. The usage of silver and gold on the translucent red blade looks just as nice as it does on the rest of the figure, though, and there are some really nice jagged mold details on the blade.
    It was a tough one, trying to decide if I liked the Shockwave version or the Air Raid version of this mold better. I eventually decided on a tie-- the mold fits Shockwave a bit better and his main weapon is better, but Air Raid's overall color scheme and paint apps are better, and his headsculpt is amazing. So if you're trying to decide which one to get-- if you have to only get one, just go with the side you like the most. I'd highly recommend getting both if you can, though, this is a great mold-- the best of the FoC line.

Air Raid (FoC) Bio:
Not even the long war for Cybertron has robbed Air Raid of the joy he takes in simply hovering around, enjoying the scenery. He's a terrible gunner-- distracted as he is by the natural beauty of the world around him-- but he makes up for it by filling the air with flak, making it impossible for enemy aircraft to advance.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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