Jetfire (Cyber Battalion) [Walgreens Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Cyber Battalion (~$18 U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, red, and some black, dark metallic blue, and silver
Rating: 6.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Cyber Battalion Starscream. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Cyber Battalion Starscream here.)

    Although Starscream has been a remold of Jetfire, this time it's the other way around! First off, regarding the new colors-- this is definitely a pretty on-point Jetfire color scheme. A medium red and "pure" white are your main colors, with a bit of black on the feet, some silver on the faceplate and intake vents, and a pretty nice shade of dark metallic blue on the cockpit windows and the visor. However, both the black, silver, and blue aren't really used much overall beyond those couple of details, leaving much of Jetfire looking rather "same-ish". His colors are generally broken up well in vehicle mode where more of the red and dark blue are visible, but in robot mode in particular he's got too much undetailed white; his arms and the sides of his chest are particularly bland. If they wanted to stick to mostly just red and white, I suppose that's fine as it is G1-accurate, but they should have varied up the placement a bit more, here. Certainly when compared to Cyber Battalion Starscream, Jetfire's color scheme looks way too simplistic in comparison.
    Jetfire has received some noticeable remolding. First, obviously he's got a new headsculpt, which looks very much like Jetfire with his faceplate and visor down, but with smaller antennae due to the space limitations for the head in vehicle mode. That last detail hurts the look a little, but not a lot-- it's still a pretty good headsculpt. The main difference, however, comes with Jetfire's vehicle mode, which almost is a whole new jet "shell" on the back/chest of the robot mode-- the entire top of the jet, the main wings, the nosecone, and the main body of the jet have all been remolded. The nosecone is now a little more sleek-looking, with visible intakes, large red areas in the middle of the body that are meant to replicate Jetfire's boosters as best they could while still having them fold up unto Jetfire's back in robot mode, and-- the biggest deal-- the wings are narrower and can move into either a "windswept" or more "90-degree angle" position, which again hearkens back to how Jetfire's vehicle mode traditionally has looked. The details on the front of the jet mode are mostly just minor cosmetic issues, but the remolding of the top of the main body of the jet with those "boosters" and adjustable wings was not at all expected and really well-done, given the transformation. Other than these substantial remolded bits, no other mold changes have been made to Jetfire.
    The amount of remolding made to Cyber Battalion Jetfire's vehicle mode is impressive, and if it were just the look of the vehicle mode parts I'd recommend this over Cyber Battalion Starscream. However, the robot mode doesn't really have much different about it beyond the head and looks too "Starscream-y". Plus, the color scheme-- though not bad-- is a bit too basic with too much white on the robot mode in particular, and definitely doesn't measure up to Cyber Battalion Starscream in that respect. Because of these factors, I'd recommend Jetfire a bit less than Starscream when it comes to the Cyber Battalion line.

Jetfire (Cyber Battalion) Bio:
The Autobot scientist Jetfire is always looking to upgrade and improve Autobot technology.

Review by Beastbot

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