Windcharger (Combiner Wars)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark milky red, black, and some silver, milky gray, metallic blue, and gunmetal gray
Rating: 6.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations Legends Tailgate. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations Legends Tailgate here.)

    Since the original Tailgate was remolded from G1 Windcharger, now it's Windcharger's turn to get remolded from Generations Tailgate! Windcharger is largely on-the-nose when it comes to his color scheme, which is primarily red and black with a bit of gray and silver in there. It's hardly an original or particularly exciting color scheme, but the contrast between the black and red is done well. The red plastic used for this version of Windcharger is a rather nice shade of the color, being rather dark but with bit of a milky, semi-metallic tint to it. The gray mostly shows up in robot mode and is largely unexciting, though the flat gunmetal gray paint used on Windcharger's chest is a good color that "bridges the gap" between the gray and black plastic. He has some silver paint on his headlights and for the detailing that's supposed to represent his exposed vehicle engine, as well as on his face-- nice enough, though his taillights and/or grill could've used some paint. Having all four windows painted black (yes, even the rear window) looks nice as well, and the combination of silver paint against the blue eyes on Windcharger's head is also a nice color combo to boot.
    One mold change has been made to Windcharger, and that's a new headsculpt, which looks largely G1 cartoon-accurate and has a fairly neutral expression-- however, given the head size allowable for the toy, it means that his head looks rather small proportionally, and thus looks out-of-place.
    Combiner Wars Windcharger is a decent enough recolor of a medicore Legends mold, but the body type in robot mode just doesn't fit Windcharger like it does Tailgate, the latter of which has a more dainty, skinny appearance in more recent IDW comics, unlike the more normally-proportioned Windcharger. This-- combined with the lack of a little partner figure despite being the same price as Tailgate and having a small head mold-- makes this release of the mold definitely inferior to Tailgate, in my opinion. It may cost you a bit more, but I'd highly recommend finding the Reveal the Shield version of Windcharger instead, as that's a far superior and far more fitting mold-- only get this mold as a last resort if you must fill in this gap in your collection and can't find the RtS version.

Windcharger Bio:
Captures and controls targets with ultra-powerful magnetic fields.

Review by Beastbot

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