Swindle (Combiner Wars)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Leg: Very Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Arm: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Tan, black, and some dark purple, sky blue, light milky gray, and metallic charcoal black
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Combiner Wars Rook. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Combiner Wars Rook here.)

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
    Swindle-- like some other CW deluxes such as Streetwise-- uses the same transformation, articulation, general proportions, and a few of the same pieces as a predecessor (in this case Rook), but nearly all of his pieces have been "re-shelled" to give him a new-looking vehicle mode and a fairly newish-looking robot mode. (The only obvious pieces that are shared with Rook without any remolding at all are the waist, upper legs, wheels, and a few minor connector pieces.) For all that he shares with Rook, check out Rook's review for a full rundown on the transformation, articulation, and the like. It's in his jeep mode that Swindle most looks like a new design completely; all of his vehicle mode details have been reworked, with a surprising amount of mold detailing, such as little "packs" on the sides, "bolts" on armor plating everywhere, and various other greebles detailed in here and there. He has various bars around the center of his jeep mode, which SHOULD reveal a fairly empty area around the drivers' seat-- but because of the transformation, they don't. There's VERY obvious arms-- complete with molded-in fists-- right in there. This is most definitely Swindle's biggest drawback-- it's very hard to see this as "just" a jeep without two big arms stuck on top, even if the bars are painted a nice metallic charcoal black around Swindle's otherwise mostly unbroken tan color scheme in this mode. Both of Swindle's weapons have been changed, as well; he's got a small machine gun that mounts on the top of this mode, along with a dual-blaster weapon that's his hand/foot/gun. (Unfortunately, this weapon is that really boring shade of light milky gray-- luckily, other than his waist, that's all of the gray on Swindle.) Obviously he's been remolded to only have four wheels instead of six, as well.
    In robot mode Swindle looks considerably better, taking the generally excellent (albeit barrel-chested and bulky) proportions of Rook and mostly changing only the details. The only real change beyond the details is that the jeep front and part of the top is behind his back instead of Rook's more bulky vehicle front, so it isn't as big and obvious of a backpack on Swindle here. The mold detailing has nearly all been changed here, with gas pipes molded in pretty nicely on his legs (though otherwise the details there look a bit hollow-ish), along with a faux jeep front on his chest and waist. His head is also pretty classic Swindle, complete with rather large rectangular optics. (That said, a smirk on Swindle's face would have complemented the look rather nicely, giving it a bit more personality.) The color scheme is broken up considerably better in this mode than in vehicle mode, thankfully, with a good amount of black showing up on the chest, middle arms, head, and upper legs, along with some charcoal black paint on the pipes on his legs and his feet. There's also some dark purple on the chest, waist, and eyes, though it's dark enough that it sort of "fades" into the black except under strong light. The light blue used for the headlights contrasts with the purple and black excellently, and is a neat little detail; I wish it was used a bit more.

Arm ModeLeg Mode
    Combiner Wars Swindle is a pretty good toy, though he would have been better if a few more changes had been made to the Rook template. His biggest issue is his painfully obvious arms in jeep mode, but his robot mode looks great (albeit a bit overly muscular/bulky for Swindle), keeping the great proportions of Rook and modifying the detailing pretty well to suit Swindle-- the mold detailing in vehicle mode, in particular, is amazingly well-done. The jeep front backpack also isn't as bulky as Rook's vehicle front backpack, which makes it less of an issue in the appendage modes, as well. Still, overall I'd rate Swindle a bit below Rook in terms of the mold, because of those aforementioned obvious arms and a color scheme that isn't broken up enough in vehicle mode.

Swindle Comic Bio:
Swindle is always looking to make a score. He'll cut a quick deal or pull a fast con-- anything to bring in a profit. His wheeling and dealing isn't limited to gear and weapons. He'll sell out anyone, Autobot or Decepticon, for the right price.
SUBGROUP: Combaticons
FUNCTION: Munitions

Decepticon Operational Status Update, reported by Soundwave:
Swindle is equipped with a wide-range scatter cannon and handheld gyro blaster, but his most powerful weapons are a smile and a handshake. The most famous con man from Cybertron has fully earned his reputation, always working an angle and furthering his own agenda. His fellow Combaticons get along with him only because they NEVER trust him. His trading of Cybertronian tech with alien species was a blatant violation of the Tyrest Accord, bringing with it the wrath of Ultra Magnus. With enemies like that (and a universe full of others waiting their turn), Swindle sticks close to his teammates. With fellow Combaticons forms Bruticus.
CONCLUSION: Combat approved and endorsed.

HISTORY (extracted from compulsory biographical download):
Swindle is so old-school he was following Megatron before there was a Decepticon movement. He's one of only a handful of Decepticons to survive every second of the Great War. His battlefield value to the Combaticon team is less tangible than that of his teammates, but he's critical when it's time to combine. Forms either an arm or a leg of Bruticus, the combined form of the Combaticons.

Review by Beastbot

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