Protectobot First Aid (Combiner Wars)

Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Leg: Very Easy
Difficulty of Transformation to Arm: Very Easy
Color Scheme: White, moderately light red, black, moderately dark blue, and some moderately dark red, dark blue, and silver
Rating: 7.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Generations Offroad. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Generations Offroad here.)

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
    First Aid's alternate mode is a rather bulky-looking ambulance, and his colors are spot-on appropriate for an ambulance-- red and white are his main colors, with a bit of blue used for the windows in vehicle mode and a few minor details on his knees in robot mode. He's also got a fair amount of black, mostly because of his hand/foot/gun and axe accessories. To mix things up a little, the reds for First Aid come in two different flavors. First, his red paint is light red-- mostly visible in vehicle mode, and with "EMERGENCY" and "RESCUE" in white amongst the red stripes along the sides of said mode. There's also some light red on his chest and head in robot mode. The red plastic is of a moderately dark red, which both complements and contrasts against the light red a little bit, and is exclusively visible in robot mode on his upper arms, upper legs, and on the combiner peg portion of his chest. (The sole exception to this rule are the sirens, which are painted dark red.) The red in particular helps to break up all the white, making his robot mode look more varied than his ambulance mode-- which, given the stripes on the sides and the windows, is still painted alright, though some paint on the headlights or rear window would've helped break up the white a little more. To finish off the color scheme, there's also a bit of silver-- namely, on the front bumper, his faceplate, and the fake "windows" on his chest and couple of other small details in robot mode. The silver works well against the red, but it's not different enough from the white plastic to really contribute much in that respect. Still, it's a good, basic emergency/Autobot color scheme.

Arm ModeLeg Mode
    What's more interesting about First Aid is that he's an extensive retool of the Stunticon Offroad, to the extent where it's not at all obvious that they share the same core mold in vehicle mode, what with Offroad being a 4WD truck. Even on most of the robot parts, the details have been re-done, with the only shared parts between the molds being such things like the upper legs. upper arms, combiner peg, and a few other minor "core" bits. However, the transformation and articulation of both toys are exactly the same (as well as the weapons and limb mode configurations), so though First Aid is an extensive retool, he's still a retool. I rather like the new details on the robot mode-- in addition to the more realistic-looking square "fake" windows on the chest, there's little circuitry lines of detailing along his chest and lower legs. The new headsculpt is also spot-on, mostly being his more "updated" IDW headsculpt with larger (dark blue) eyes and a smaller faceplate against a fairly large forehead crest. However, most of the other mold changes are, I feel, a net negative when compared with Offroad's mold. For one, due to the mold restrictions, the top portion of the ambulance seems a bit stunted, with the windows not "poking out" enough above the front bumper. Because of the changed and bulkier alt mode, the lower legs/feet are also much deeper-- yes, it makes First Aid more stable, but his legs are so deep that they look rather odd from a side view. The shoulder pads in robot mode are also angled oddly and don't look as good as the more rectangular shoulder panels of Offroad. On a small additional note, the "exposed engine" hand/gun/foot accessory doesn't work nearly as well on an ambulance in vehicle mode as it did on a 4WD truck, and although an axe isn't totally out of character for a medic's accessory, some sort of definitively medical tool would've worked better.
    First Aid is a decent update for those who like the character or who want to complete Defensor, but as a toy by himself-- although decent-- he's one of the weaker Combiner Wars molds, made even weaker with the addition of added bulk in the legs in robot mode, an ambulance mode where the windows and top section are too short, and a few other minor issues that make the mold inferior to Offroad. Mildly recommended, but only to complete Defensor and less as a toy by himself.

Protectobot First Aid Comic Bio:
First Aid is just as likely to be first on the scene to help a wounded bot as he is to show up to repair a broken dishwasher. To the Protectobot medic, the greatest enemy is malfunction. Human, bot, or machine-- if it's broken, First Aid won't carry on until it's back up and running.
SUBGROUP: Protectobots

Pre-mission psych-screening report by Rung, Autobot Psy-Ops Specialist:
Some would describe First Aid as "sympathetic to a fault." Seeing other Cybertronians in disrepair affects him tremendously-- he truly believes his role in life is to heal the sick and fix the broken. First Aid is just as comfortable in formal surgery as he is diving into battlefield repairs while under fire. His passion to help fuels his courage amid the chaos of war. If you're looking for him, just follow the smoke-- if he's not at the scene already, then he's on his way. The "tools of the trade" that make him an effective medic (crystallizer cannon, cyber cleaver, and fist-mounted precision lasers) double as powerful weapons. With fellow Protectobots forms Defensor.
CONCLUSION: Cleared for mission.

HISTORY (extracted from compulsory biographical download):
The emotional grind of a four-million-year war hits the doctors the hardest. First Aid grew tired of the endless parade of wounded Cybertronians at his clinic, and decided that the best way to stop the hurting was to end the war altogether. He signed on with the Autobots to help finish the fight once and for all. Forms either an arm or leg of Defensor, the combined form of the Protectobots.

Review by Beastbot

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