Allegiance: Neutral
Size: About the size of Cheetor
Beast Mode: Velociraptor/ Cougar Fuzor
Gender: Male
First Appearance: "Bounty Hunters, Part I"

    Beast mode has the main body of a brown cougar: back, stomach, and legs. His tail's fur slowly fades off to reveal a velociraptor's tail, light tan with blue stripes. Where the cougar's neck should begin, the fur fades off to a velociraptor's waist, with two small arms and a velociraptor light tan head. His head looks normal, but his eyes are one continuous red band, like Scorponok's.
    Transformation: His tail comes off and splits in half to reveal a laser gun, his cougar back splits into two halves as does his velociraptor back and hands, his head folds down onto his chest, his back cougar legs become his robot legs, and his front cougar legs split in half and turn ninety degrees to become claws.
    Robot mode: His eyes still have the continous red band, and his extras on his back become his subspace. His laser fits easily in his clawed hands. His legs take up about half his body height, and look like a cougars' except for a little robot heel in the back. His face has some large ogre-like teeth in his mouth, but other than that, it looks like Dinobot's with a red band for eyes.
    Personality: A loner, the only one he shares any personal information with is Ramulus. He doesn't know his allegiance, and his energy signature indicates that he is neither a Maximal or a Predacon. He has some morals, but not enough to get in the way of killing for money.
    Weapons: Laser gun in tail, stealth suction-cups that can pop out on his feet, and laser disks that can shoot from his band-eye in both robot and beast modes.

Strength: 7.8
Intelligence: 7.2
Rank: 4.0
Firepower: 6.4
Endurance: 8.2
Speed: 9.2
Skill: 9.9
Courage: 9.4

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