Battleslash (w/ Battletrap Review) [Power of the Primes]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Off-white, black, and some blue, moderately light blue, red, dark royal purple, dull orange, and silver
Individual Rating: 7.9

    Battleslash's alt mode is a helicopter, and meant to hearken back to one of the two different vehicles that formed G1 Battletrap's robot mode. Battletrap was a Duocon in G1, which meant that two different vehicles formed his robot mode, but without individual robot modes of their own. For Power of the Primes, Hasbro has fixed that, with the top half now its own character,. Anyways, in helicopter mode, it's still definitely recognizably a helicopter, but it suffers a bit from having to form both an individual robot mode AND half of a larger robot. This is especially apparent around the front-middle area of the 'copter, where everything seems kinda "squished" into the upper half of the toy, since the lower half contains parts needed for the other modes. As such, the cockpit is a bit shallow up on the top there, and the middle section is just mostly robot parts, with the upper arms on the top and the combined mode arms and parts of the waist forming the bottom part. Instead of there being a proper front "nose" to the helicopter, there's a square opening for Roadtrap's head for the combination, which looks a little odd but isn't as big of a deal as the "squished" proportions on the top. On the back end, you can see Battleslash's robot feet, but mostly only because they're painted and not because they don't fit in with the silhouette of the pieces around it. The propeller on the top can spin freely, but it's a REAL close gap in between it and the top of the helicopter, so if the arms aren't set EXACTLY right it'll slightly catch on one of them. The mold detailing is a little basic for a Generations toy, at least in this mode-- there's some little vents and ridged lines here and there, along with details like the tail propeller molded in-- but nothing particularly intricate. The color scheme is mostly a slightly "dirty" shade of off-white, with a decent amount of black in the middle of the toy. There's two different shades of blue-- a light shade used on the cockpit windows, and a slightly darker, more moderate shade used for some other details like his robot feet. In this mode, there's also some red bits on the top sides of the cockpit piece, and some dark purple bits on the middle sides. Painting the helicopter tail blades would've been appreciated, but otherwise he's got a decent amount of paint and color breakup.
    The transformation is a bit more complicated than normal for a Legend-class toy; the arms fold out from the sides and there's a couple of different odd folds you have to do on the shoulders due to how they also have to move for the combined mode. With the arms out, you split the helicopter tail into halves and then down to form the hips and legs, while the front of the helicopter folds behind the back. The end result is a fairly solid robot mode overall-- first though, let's talk about the couple of downsides. For one, due to the fact they also form the combined mode shoulders, Battleslash's hips are pretty wide and his legs spaced a bit further out than they should be; it looks a little weird. The front connector section that becomes the helicopter nose just hangs off his butt without pegging in anywhere, and is definitely his most obnoxious piece of kibble. (He's also got the halves of his tail propeller pieces on the sides of his lower legs, but they're relatively small and not that big of a deal.) His helicopter blade hanges off his right lower arm, and forms a nice little spinning blade-weapon; I don't mind it. The back is essentially made of the combined mode chest, so even though it's odd for a helicopter TF to have the cockpit on the BACK of the robot mode, it still works here. The head is rounded like a helicopter pilot's helmet, with a little rounded vent on the top and a silver "normal" face with dull orange eyes. There's also a Decepticon symbol and black lines on the chest and some purple paint around some circular details on said chest, but other than that no new paint apps have been added; he's still largely offf-white with some black. It worked for vehicle mode, but here I would've appreciated another paint app or two on the legs and/or arms. For articulation in this mode, Battleslash can move at the neck, shoulders, at the elbows (at two points), hips, and knees, with most of these being ball joints, so he's quite poseable.
    Battleslash is the better of the two 'bots that make up Battletrap. He's still got some compromises made to the helicopter mode, for sure-- particularly around the middle section. However, he's got a pretty intuitive transformation, and a largely solid robot mode with only some minor kibble/proportion issues. I'd still mildly recommend him even if you don't want to form Battletrap, which I can't say about Roadtrap.

Battleslash Prime Card Bios:
Prima: Inspires allies with bravery and strength beyond his size.
Vector Prime: Time travels to Decepticon victories to gloat.
Alpha Trion: Rewrites history to put himself on top.
Solus Prime: Forges helicopter blades that function in the void of space.
Micronus Prime: Power-links with allies to share his strength.
Alchemist Prime: Develops a chemical that strips bots of the will to fight.
Nexus Prime: Combines to form a Duocon with any bot.
Onyx Prime: Casts his mind across space to taunt enemies.
Amalgamous Prime: Takes the form of Roadtrap so it seems there are two of him.
Quintus Prime: Creates bullybots to overrun Autobot strongholds.
Liege Maximo: Convinces comrades and foes to bow to him.
Megatronus: Toys with enemies to increase his legend.


Battletrap (Combined Form of Battleslash & Roadtrap)
Battletrap (Combined Form)
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Individual Rating: 9.1

    Battleslash forms the top half of Battletrap, while Roadtrap forms the bottom half. Roadtrap's transformation to form Battletrap is pretty simple; you basically just take his vehicle mode, fold out the waist and upper legs from the back end, and then split the rest of the vehicle mode in half while rotating up those front bits to form the feet. Battleslash's transformation is a bit more complicated, with the arms folding forward on the chest and "catching" the helicopter blade in between them to form the back; the legs folding up and to the side to form the arms for Battletrap; and the main body basically turning around and switching heads. Combine them both at the waist, and you've got Battletrap!
    Battletrap looks a lot cleaner than I was expecting, given that there's two whole new robot modes they had to fit into this Duocon design while still making him look like an updated G1 toy in the combined mode. Is there kibble? Sure-- the biggest being that his lower legs/knees are a bit too oddly bulky, given they have entire halves of Roadtrap's robot chest on the front of each of them. Battleslash's arms are also pretty obvious on the back, but they don't get in the way of articulation and largely stay out of the way-- plus, they keep the helicopter blade in between them and out of the way, so with that added functionality they're a minor downside. There's also the bits of the helicopter tail hanging off the lower arms (along the Battleslash's feet coming off the bottom of Battletrap's fists), but these are minor, especially given the size and the gimmickry. That kibble aside, Battletrap looks pretty solidly well-proportioned overall. Given that he's two Legends combined, he can go toe-to-toe with any Deluxe, size-wise. The connection point between the two figures is very solid and stable, and the way the helicopter details are used on the chest help accentuate his form pretty well. The truck bits for feet also work pretty well, too. Given how each of his halves have two other modes, there's not much revealed in this mode that isn't revealed in the individual toys, except for the combined mode head-- Battletrap's noggin is spot-on solid and a very crisp "upgrade" of his G1 design's head. He's got a rather complicated amount of detailing on his "helmet" with small side antennae and a flat forehead, a silver visor, and a light blue "normal" face that complements his darker blue head nicely. The individual color schemes make it obvious that Battletrap consists of two seperate toys, but they still complement each other well-- white, blue, and black form a pretty decent color scheme overall, and putting a bit of blue on Battleslash and a bit of silver on Roadtrap-- along with the black shared between them both-- helps to unify the colors some, too. For articulation, Battletrap can move at the neck, shoulders, elbows, rotation at the waist, and movement at the hips (at two points), knees, and ankles (at three points). He's quite stable, and thus can get into some pretty good poses-- except for his knees, where all that kibble can clash together at more extreme angles.
    PotP Battletrap is a great combined mode, with great proportions, articulation, and colors, and doesn't suffer much for his individual components having their own robot modes-- minus the big bits of kibble around his knees. An easy recommendation.

Reviews by Beastbot

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