Weapon ModeRobot ModeRobot Mode (w/ Armor)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull aquamarine, light milky gray, transparent fiery orange, and some silver and moderately light electric blue
Rating: 4.7

    Like with most of the Mini-Con Weaponizers, I'll start with Bashbreaker's robot mode first, since so many of my comments on his weapon mode stem from said robot mode. In robot mode, Bashbreaker looks fairly straightforward, but with two BIG bashin' blocks for lower arms. I kinda wish details were molded into the blocks to make them look like ridiculously oversized fists, but alas, no such details are there. Even though it makes you wonder how Bashbreaker could do many normal tasks without real hands, he certainly fits his name. On the rest of his body, he's got fairly angular shoulders, upper arms buried ENTIRELY in his lower block-fists, and a gear molded on the chest, just like some of the other Weaponizer Mini-Cons. His waist and feet are decently detailed mold-wise, but not very unique; he's got curved boots and kneecaps that come out a bit, but it's not a bottom half that's easily discernible from many other Mini-Cons. It's all molded onto one long piece, so unfortunately beyond moving his block-fists up and down (which triggers his transformation), there's no articulation in this mode, unfortunately. His color scheme is quite basic, being almost entirely a dull aquamarine in this mode. It's a nice shade, but he needed a bit more. On his backside and his upper arms you can see some light milky gray plastic, but that's just a boring, dull color-- ick. Just keep him facing forward. He does have a few paint apps, all on his face, which is a bit unique with bulbous "ears", shortened ant-like antennae, and a little mohawk. The mohawk and his face with a no-nonsense expression on it are painted silver, while his eyes are painted a light electric blue. No more paint, though-- that's all ya get, in either mode.
    To transform Bashbreaker, you just rotate his brick fists up over his head-- this causes his head to retract into his body some-- and then flip out a handle below his legs. That's it. It makes for a decent warhammer from the overall silhouette, but almost the entire robot mode is just there on the handle of the mode. You can kinda mitigate this by flipping him around, but there's two problems with that. First, it makes that blah light milky gray color a lot more dominant. Secondly, he has a peg sticking out of his back that is meant to be plugged into the side of a larger toy's lower arms if you don't want them to hold the toy by the end of the handle. While this is good from a functionability standpoint, it means that if you have the warhammer facing in this direction the peg is facing forward and you can't peg him in that way-- thus, it's fairly obvious you're "meant" to have the aquamarine side facing forward again in this mode. I'll also say I wish there was some shallow pegs holding the two halves of the top together. I understand you have to separate them to initiate the transformation, but some minor pegs to at least keep those two halves solidly together unless you purposely pushed they apart a bit would've made the mode feel a bit more solid, methinks. As is those pieces wiggle just a tad. Like all single-pack Mini-Cons, Bashbreaker comes with some armor pieces, and his are a transparent fiery shade of orange, which goes VERY well with the aquamarine blue-- it's a really nice contrast, there. Most of his armor pieces involve encompassing his two block-fists with thick spike details-- four on each end, and two smaller spikes at the top. It really enhances his weapon mode and makes it look a lot more dangerous. There's also a combo head/chest armor piece for his robot mode (but can still fit on his weapon mode as well), giving him some armor bits there that look like they're made out of gears and clockwork pieces for the most part, with a curved spiked forehead piece that fits over his head, giving him more of a "meched-up" look.
    Bashbreaker is fairly basic, even by RID2015 Mini-Con standards. The only real difference between his two modes is whether his block-fists are at his sides or above his head. The armor pieces help make his warhammer mode look more imposing-- and I'm glad there IS a warhammer Weaponzier, by the by-- but I wish a bit more was involved, here. Otherwise he's just a robot all molded onto the front of a human-shaped piece of plastic. If you want him, I'd recommend just keeping him in weapon mode-- one of the weaker Weaponizers.

Review by Beastbot

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