
If you have not already checked out the new release from Malin/NASA of the face on mars then here is the link.
If you think this is their last offer on what it really looks like then you are more pessimistic than I am. I think they have a lot of explaining to do. How did the "catbox" image become this?
What will the media do with this? When will they finally real ize they are puppets? They will end up looking pretty stupid and duped when the final truth comes out.
If there isn't some kind of conspiracy in the way this story has unwound from the very beginning then I will order up a bucket of crow.

I suggest we all contact senator McCain and all of our own senators. Here is a sample letter:

Dear senator,I am appalled that congress continues to let NASA use graphic artists and smear campaign tactics with regards to mars. They have not released the raw data for their latest rendition of the face on mars. Nobody in the government or media is calling their bluff, why? How do they keep getting away with skullduggery? We pay for this supposed scientific endeavor and where is the science? Why the circus? Why the three card Monte with the data? You can't have no mesa, raw data that shows surface depressions, and then crisp high res data showing the opposite. I think it is time, no, way passed time Congress oversee where our tax dollars go. It is well worth their time to start looking at some evidence and start asking questions. kind regards,

Here is a link to all their email addresses.
Here is the face_E03_50%
"Keep watching this site. "

