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The Sequel To Q Menace

Hi, I finally decided to write a sequel to Q Menace involving Star Trek: Voyager and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Kathryn Jinn is also in this story. I have decided to put Reflections of the Past, Vision of the Future on hold for the moment. You can make your own decision about whether you want to include those events or not. I will eventually finish that story but am having some serious writer's block on it. I started this story on December 31, 1999 somewhere between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm. I will finish it before the summer comes, or so I intend. I hope that this story will earn the same amount of praise, or more than Q Menace. Q Menace was my first attempt at writing a story that I actually posted. I have many many many stories sitting around that I started but never was able to finish.

Most of the stories that I find myself writing are technically self-insertion. I find it easier to literally put myself in the story. That way I can express and explain events in the way that I would react or would like to react. I really enjoy writing but don't do nearly enough of it. I do have an Earth: Final Conflict short story sitting here somewhere that I will post soon. If you missed Q Menace or Reflections, want to read the add-on story I'm working or just want to read them again or even just visit my webpage at the following addy: And Don't forget to sign my guestbook.

Thanks: There are several people I'd like to thank. First of all, Seven O'Nine, the shear amount of stories you write, not to mention the quality inspired me to start writing again. In addition, Cassia and Darth Diebin, I enjoy your stories and I'm really pleased that you enjoy mine. I also want to thank every reader who has sent me feedback, encouragement, or just begged me for more, and those who have not, but have read my story. I also want to thank the Star Wars Chicks who when no one else liked Q Menace, and I had people who would email me just to curse me out (seriously), loved the story and inspired me to finish it. Q Menace might not exist except for that. Thanks to all Spherites at Philosophy Next I guess I should thank all the idiots at who decided that cursing me out was a necessity. They showed me that you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself (sound familiar? Think Rick Nelson - lyrics from Garden Party). I guess it would also be proper to thank my parents, sisters, and all those nice singers whose lyrics I've used and will use. And last, but certainly in no way least, is my best friend, Molly Wells. Without her help Q Menace would not be written the way it is today. She has offered me ideas, suggestions, told me when the story really is good and when it just totally stinks. Thanks, Molly!!! BTW, read her story - Endless Night, Dawning Day at my website!!! As well as the story we wrote together - Duel of the Fics.

Sorry about the length but I had to do it.

Disclaimer: George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry own the Star Wars/Star Trek characters and concepts. I own the rest and make this much money off it - $0.0000000000000 etc.

A Lil' Bragging - Well, I hate to brag but Q Menace has been nominated for Best Non-EFC story at

Enjoy Q2K - it takes place one Year after Q Menace.

Rating: PG right now. Will not ever be higher than PG-13!!! And then it will be rated that for angst, violence and/or thematic elements.

Language: NONE


Note: While I do hope that someday Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay will fall in love, in my stories they are just good friends, perhaps even best friends - nothing more.

And now, without further ado, thanks, or bragging, I present:


Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager was seated in her ready room reading, well, trying to at least. She heard the door chime and without looking up called "Come." Chakotay entered.

"Captain, here's the fuel consumption report, as well as Neelix's inventory on our food supply."

Janeway nodded, also without looking up. "Thank you Commander, that will be all."

"Captain, is something wrong?" asked Chakotay somewhat bewildered.

"No, it's just that . . . Well you remember last year, when we rescued Kathryn Jinn from the Borg?"

Chakotay nodded yet remained silent.

Janeway continued, "I've always wondered what became of her and how she's coped. If she stayed a Jedi. If she was able to cope. I know that we help people all the time, Chakotay and never know how they fared but sometimes I just . . ." Her voice trailed off.

Chakotay spoke, "I understand, I've wondered too, but her spirit is strong."

"You're right, but sometimes I just wish we could meet them again."

"I know you can't help wondering," Chakotay grinned and continued, "You're the captain, you're allowed to worry."

Janeway grinned back, "Thanks for your permission, Commander. I'm . . ." Janeway's combadge chirped. "Janeway here, go ahead."

Ensign Kim's voice came over the combadge sounding a bit excited. "Captain, we've located a class-2 nebula."

Janeway spoke, "Change course and let's investigate. I'll be there shortly, Janeway out." To Chakotay she said, "Just what this crew needs, it's been such a long boring month. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd find a class-2 nebula exciting. Anyway," Janeway changed the subject, "I guess we'll never know what happened to her."

"You could always ask Q," Chakotay said innocently.

"Suddenly, I'm not quite so curious," Janeway responded. Chakotay chuckled as the two exited the ready room onto the bridge. "Report Mr. Kim" Janeway said somewhat eagerly.

"Captain, the nebula appears to be a standard class-2."

"Let's take a closer look. Tom, take us inside the nebula."

"Yee haw, oh, I mean yes ma'am." responded Tom, glad for any change in routine.

The ship entered the nebula with only the usual problems and disruptions associated with a class-2 nebula.

Suddenly the ship jerked wildly, causing the bridge crew to be thrown out of their seats. When Janeway looked up, she first noticed that they had cleared the nebula and second that a transport ship was directly in front of them. It veered sharply upward at an angle that nearly made Janeway sick just watching. She climbed to her feet and barked, "Status report."

Tuvok spoke, "Captain, we recieved only minor structural damage, damage control teams are responding."

Chakotay chuckled, "Just a bumpy ride."

Kim suddenly interrupted, "Captain, Commander, you're not going to believe this." His young voice was laced with a slight panic.

"What is it Harry?"

"Well, I guess the nebula threw us . . ."

Paris jumped in, "Oh no, don't say it Harry - we've been there, done that."

Janeway silenced him with a glare. "Harry, where are we?"

"I . . .I don't know Captain. The nebula's nowhere in sight and I can't find any familiar landmarks."

"Confirmed," agreed Seven of Nine, "It appears we are no longer in our galaxy."

"We not in Kansas anymore, Toto," muttered Janeway under her breath. Aloud she said, "Mr. Kim, hail the transport ship."

"Captain they're responding."

"Onscreen." Janeway was extremely surprised when two human faces appeared on the viewscreen.

The darker skinned of the two men addressed her, "I am Mace Windu, and this is Plo Koon. How may we help you?"

"I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. We seem to be a little lost, Mr. Windu. Perhaps you and Mr. Koon could help us."

"Janeway? Do you perhaps recognize the name Qui-Gon?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Follow our ship, please." Windu said curtly and cut the transmission. Windu's ship began to move towards a planet in the distance.

"Captain?" questioned Paris.

"You heard the man Lieutenant, follow that ship."

End Chapter 1