Roswell: Tess and Kyle

1. Where did Tess and Kyle go on their first almost-date in the episode 'Tess Lies and Videotape'?
The Crashdown Cafe
Frasier Woods
A Spanish restaurant
The library

2. What was the first thing that Kyle said when he saw Tess sleeping on the couch at his house?
What are you doing here?
That's my couch!

3. Of what does Tess approve?
The poster on Kyle's wall
His basketball jersey
HIs Calvin Klein underwear
His new religion

4. Which of the following is not a book/magazine that Tess found under Kyle's bed?
Busty Biker Babes
The biography of Ghandi
Buddism for Beginners

5. Where was Kyle over the summer?
Staying at his aunts
Football camp
Sweden with the foreign exchange student program

6. Which of the following is not a reason Kyle tells Tess for letting her have his room?
Material only clutters the mind anyway
He can sleep on the couch -- it's not a big deal
His father conciders this a temporary arrangement
He wanted to make up for his rude comments earlier

7. Who overhears Kyle's comment to his buddies 'If some chick's gonna be yelling at me about keeping the toilet seat down, she better at least be doing me.'?
Mrs. DeLuca
Mrs. Evans

8. In 'A Roswell Christmas Carol' what finally pushes Tess over the edge and makes her yell at Jim and Kyle?
There are only two chairs in the house -- and neither seem to care
Kyle refused to help her set up the Christmas tree
Jim and Kyle didn't say thank you for the meal she cooked for them
Neither responded when she talked to them

9. What is Kyle's favorite food?
3-cheese potato gratin
Mashed potatoes and dressing
Cream of mushroom casserole

10. What does Kyle offer to do to help Tess with as a way of showing his thanks for the dinner?
Carving the turkey
Taking the dessert out of the freezer
Putting away the leftover food
Washing the dishes