Last Updated: July 30th, 2001
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«Mackenzie Raviera»

Her Grace the Duchess of Dunthore
For the first time in my life, I wanted what all wise men say does not last,
what cannot be promised or made to linger any more than sunlight.
I did not want to die without having felt its warmth on my face.
-Prince Mattaius Havilland

Full Name: Mackenzie Meara Tir'Raviera
Titles: Duchess of Dunthore; Baronness of Metlaven (in exile);
High Queen Mother of Corith (in exile)
Race: Human
Age: 20
Hair: Black and wavy, her thick locks tumble to her mid-back.
Eyes: Pale blue.
Description: Though one might think her younger than her years at first glance, such notions are swiftly disabused by further acquaintance. She bears her tall, spare frame with an understated grace that draws the eye, regardless of her ever-changing moods. There is none of the classic beauty to be found in her pale eyes, sharp features and dark hair. Yet there is something about her personality, fiery and keen, that animates her face and leaves one with the impression of stark beauty after she has passed from sight.

Common Knowledge
Little is known beyond the fact of her sudden arrival, and the swiftly sprung rumor of her betrothal to Saragossa's beloved Prince. Most tales contain a kernel of the truth, which amounts to three, generally accepted facts:

~ The king's displeasure has been widely noted, and most lay the burden of cause at the new Duchess' feet. (This however, does not necessarily diminish her in the free folk and peon's eyes.)
~ She has been granted sanctuary, first by Duke Abiram, and secondly by the King.
~ It is said she hails from the land of Corith, known by few, if any, and the circumstances of her exile therof are left to pure conjecture. The stories range from murder, to rebellion, to countless tales heralding her as the heroine and antagonist in turn.