ok Josh this is u: element: Ice Name: Josh/Shard weapon: Staff eyes: 1st level Ice Blue 2nd Ice Blue w/ A Glowing Blue Iris 3rd Snow White w/ Ice Blue Circles Going Around The Outside Of The Iris hair colors: 1st level Black 2nd White 3rd Silver and Ice White Swirl Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Praying Mantis Sex: Male Sex Attracted to: Female Energy Colors: 1st Level Dark Neon Blue(no thats not a contradiction, is a glowing dark blue) 2nd Ice Blue 3rd Ice White Children: No Royal Blood?: No Funny Lines: *Shard* "If at first you don't succeed, try, try and Then give up. There's no use in being a damn fool about it." Additional Info: Shard may not be of royal dissent, but Talon adopted him after he launched Ghost into space. Everyone thought that Shard was Ghost... their hair, both black, eyes both ice blue, who'd suspect? Shard was raised believing he was the son of Talon and Tsunami, and was treated with the highest reguard. With the way people treated him, and what he was raised believing, why would he start thinking otherwise? No one ever told him of his true past, it wasn't vital that he knew. The only reason he was adopted, was because Talon didn't want anyone to know that he sent Ghost into space to die to save his own life... So he quickly got another child so no one would know what a monster he really was. Although Shard is strong, compaired to Tyriss and even Osirion, he's not much... if he really were an Orion, his strength would be far greater. Every day, he trained with his "brothers", and everyday he would grow stronger. Not at the same speed as the others, but he was capable enough to grow strong after training. (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)