ok Matthew this is u: element: Fire & Earth Name: Matthew/Manta weapon: Sword & Bow Staff eyes: 1st level Brown 2nd Fire Red 3rd Gold & Daisy Yellow hair colors: 1st level Black 2nd Ivy Green 3rd Demon Red Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Karate Kendo Sex: Male Sex Attracted to: Female Energy Colors: 1st Level Puff Cloud White 2nd Neon Lime Green 3rd Gold Children: Yes Royal Blood?: Yes Funny Lines: *Manta* "I'm glad I'm not bisexual; I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women." Additional Info: Manta was raised on the jungle planet of Kusamura, with the intense heat, forcing up his power was easy. With the fire element on his side, he felt right at home; unlike most people he began focusing on his fire power, rather than energy or fighting styles. The more he focused, the deadlier his fire attacks became... As much as he tried, he was never able to fully max out, he didnt want to risk torching the entire planet. So he left for a few days... just to see what he was truely capable of doing. He went over to the nearby planet Shikaku, a planet free of any species other than a plant life. So, he stood ontop of his ship just barely in the planets atmosphere. Forced his power up as high as he could, and let lose his truely awsome fire blast...he gave it his all, and within seconds the entire planet was ingulfed in flames. Less than a week later, he heard about universes fighting tournament...less than a cycle away, he began training as much as possible. "I have to win..."he paused "I can't bring back mom and dad even if i win, but atleast I can show that my family's honor will never die......." (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)