ok Matt this is u: element: Force Gravity, Psi, & Earth Name: Matt/Graveron weapon: Broad Sword eyes: 1st level Hazel 2nd Sea Green 3rd Ocean Blue w/ Silver Crown Around The Blue hair colors: 1st level Dark Brown 2nd Platinum Blonde 3rd Jet Black Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Ninjitsu Jujitsu Kunoichijutsu Nujitska Sex: Male Sex Attracted to: Female Energy Colors: 1st Level Blue 2nd Blood Red 3rd Gold Children: Yes Royal Blood?: 1/2 Talon Blood Line: No Funny Lines: *Graveron* "Juggernaut, I think there's something wrong with your brain." Additional Info: Has a massiver scar down his chest where he was slashed in a fight. He almost died, but someone survived. Once he was fully healed, he searched for the fighter that nearly killed him and returned the favor by killing him. (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)