ok Mike this is u: element: Wind, Darkness, & Shadow Name: Mike/Akutenshi weapon: Scythe eyes: 1st level Brown 2nd Ocean Blue 3rd Ruby Red hair colors: 1st level Brown 2nd Golden Honey Brown 3rd Gold Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Taichi Sex: Male Sex Attracted to: Female Energy Colors: 1st Level Green 2nd Fire Orange 3rd Fire Opal Red Children: Yes Royal Blood?: 1/2 Funny Lines: *Akutenshi*"Nothing is more embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn't be done." Additional Info: Akutenshi, he was raised on the planet Okensem. His parents didn't really want a child, but what can you do...? They grew weary of his presence, so they sent him to live with the local retired assassin. He accepted the boy, and taught him everything he'd need to know to make a living on his own. After 6 years of training, he left the planet like many warriors do, and headed for space in search of a meaning for his life. (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)