ok megan this is u: element: fire Name: Kinyaka/Megan weapon: sword eyes: 1st level Violet Red 2nd Ocean Blue 3rd Deep Black hair colors: 1st level Dark Red 2nd Blue 3rd Jet Black Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Kickboxing Broad Sword Fighting Sex: Female Sex Attracted to: Male Energy Colors: 1st Level Energy Red 2nd Ocean Blue 3rd Pitch Black Children: God No! Royal Blood?: Yes Additional Info: At and early age, Kinyaka lost her parents, they were killed by Talons' royal guard. She was sent to an orphanage for 1 cycle before she was adopted by a woman named Geo. It turned out that Geo was the current leader of a group that wanted to bring about the downfall of the Talon Empire. Geo and he associates trained Kinyaka constantly, forcing the little girl to get stronger at the age of 7, she had far surpased everyone in the group. Despite their best efforts, even all of them at once didnt stand a chance against her. She began training herself, and sent the others in the group to gather more children. They began training 11 new children at the orders of Kinyaka. Geo had predicted this would happen, but she didnt expect it to happen so soon. The 11 children had been fully trained in less than a cycle, they were all far superior to the origional 14, and it was time to decide who stayed, and who went. Despite how Geo felt, she challanged Kinyaka. Every old warrior that challanged the new generation died. Upon their deaths, they passed on their power and knowledge of their life, and the lives of all the warriors before them. Only two of the origional members of the group remained. Upon absorbing the essance of Geo, Kinyaka knew what had to be done..... Chest Size: C Funny Lines: *Kinyaka* "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you." (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)