ok Cynthia this is u: bio: Her father was a prince, and her mother was a queen. Blaze was concieved strictly for diplomatic reasons. Her birth brought together two families, and a hole new power was formed. Like most children, she took on traits of her parents, fire from her mother, attitude like her father, fighting styles from both. But unlike other children, she was different, she was born with the stength of her father. Most children were sent away at birth, but Blaze had a power that would take a life time to get. From birth all she wanted was to be an royal assassin, but they'd always say she couldn't do it, only men are royal assassins. But she'll prove them wrong, dead wrong.... element: Fire & Ice Name: Blaze/Cynthia weapon: 2 Leaf Blade Swords eyes: 1st level Blue 2nd Jade 3rd Blazing Ruby Inferno hair colors: 1st level Black 2nd Jet Black 3rd Dark Red with Red Most Commonly Used Fighting Styles: Jujitsu Kendo Fencing Sex: Female Sex Attracted to: Male Energy Colors: 1st Level Blue 2nd Neon Jade 3rd Flames Children: No Royal Blood?: Yes Additional Info: Her genetic stucture was highly unstable at birth. She was born with the power to control fire, but her surroundings changed her. Her body forced itself to adapt, the only way to do that was make herself immune to the cold; so she gradually began doing things with ice. Although her fighting skills are normally focused around fire, you dont want to piss her off, or she'll put you on ice. Chest Size: C Famous Lines: *Blaze* "Lets turn up the heat." (Note: If there is anything u wish 2 change consult The Assassin Handbook, or just tell me to change whatever you want to be changed)