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Not even close to what you expected.....This part of my site will cover some of the funny, and serous quotes in my book.





Most of these are funny, but a few of them are from serous points in the series. Oh yeah, Matt is Juggernaut.

*Ghost* I noticed your not sitting down, what's the matter sweety, did you hav a date last night?" (everyone laughing)


*Xkaliber* "Dude! Thats not funny, I was drunk!"


*Juggernaut* "Yeah,(trying not 2 laugh) and the beer is what makes it small too right?." (massive laughing)


*Xkaliber* "Dude, what r u talkin about? You're hung like an infant!"


*Ghost* "I thought u said u were drunk?"


*Xkaliber* "God damnit!"


*Endymion* "yeah, if u were drunk u wouldn't remember"


*Xkaliber* "Ahh! Fuck you!"


*Lilith* "Whoa dude, chill."





*Xkaliber* "You touch me with that again, and I sware I'm gonna chop the damn thing off!"




*Razor* "You try that again, and im gonna chop the damn thing off!"




*Juggernaut* "You knew I wanted her and you took her anyway!"




*Kinyaka* "I'd rather slide down a razor into a jacuzzi of lemon juice."




*Juggernaut* "Man my ass hurts."


*Lilith* "What do you mean your ass hurts?!"




*Firefly* "Stop stairing at my chest and fight me!"




*Endymion* "Thats true, but i bet you her real power only shows up four days a month." (laughs)




*Dune* "I Refuse To Have A Battle Of Wits With An Unarmed Person."




*Raelik* "Don't Be Sexist, Broads Hate That"




*Sara/Safra* "WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship."




*Safra* "Is universal domanation much to ask for?!"




*Matt/Juggernaut* "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."




*Eve* "What do you mean you think my sister is pretty?!"




*Matt* "Ya know...if it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching the screen by candlelight."


*Ghost* "At this point Matt i am convinced you have a learning dissability."




*Talon* "I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally."




*Dr. Edwards* "There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all."




*Kameleon* (he's a Majhara-lizard man) "You beings are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, it's remarkably apparent of disinclination to do so."




*Kinyaka* "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."




*Kinyaka* "I'd rather slide down a razor into a jacuzzi of lemon juice."




*Yu Chi* "I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age I have to hold on to something"




*Matt* "Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"




*Matt* "What's another word for thesaurus?"




*Matt* "Man my ass hurts."




*Princess* "why is it that when a guy is a playa he's known as a pro but when a girl takes a turn she's only a hoe?..."




*Princess* "I wasn't born a princess, boys made me this way"




*Ghost 2 His True Love* "if i could be any other life i'd want to be your tear, to be born in your eyes, to live on your cheek and to die on your lips."




*???* "I lost my teddy bear....Will you sleep with me?"


*person 2* "This has got to be a dream"




*Akari* "To all the people who talk about me, thanx for making me the center of your world"




*Iruka* "to the world your nothing, but to me your the world....."




*Demetrious* "Owwwwwww!!!! Right in the mommy daddy button...."




*Trinity* "An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex."




*Viro* "Why do you deny your fait?!?! Why won't you die???!!!!!!!"




*Genozide* "What do you mean you use to be a man?!"




*Datura* "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"




*Airess "I'm not a tease, you have wishful thinking."




*Wrayth* "The trouble with children is that they're not returnable."

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