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SayRuh Rawks: TALK TO ME
SayRuh Rawks: are you awake?
SayRuh Rawks: i'm shloshed
Shaggydope2002: yes
SayRuh Rawks
: be my fgriend
Shaggydope2002: I am awake, I will be your friend
SayRuh Rawks
SayRuh Rawks: i went and ate waffle house
SayRuh Rawks: AND
SayRuh Rawks: everything tastes like beeerrrr
SayRuh Rawks: hasbrowns?
SayRuh Rawks: they taste like beer
SayRuh Rawks: grits
SayRuh Rawks: oh yeah
SayRuh Rawks: thems too
Shaggydope2002: wow... you must really be drunk?
SayRuh Rawks
: but i swear
SayRuh Rawks: my coffee was spiked
SayRuh Rawks: with well
SayRuh Rawks: you guessed it
SayRuh Rawks: BEER
SayRuh Rawks: i KNOW it
Shaggydope2002: heh, you normally dont drink?
SayRuh Rawks
: welll
SayRuh Rawks: yeah
SayRuh Rawks: but i normally encourage myself to pass out
SayRuh Rawks: i'm gonna stay up
SayRuh Rawks: no sleep=no hangover
Shaggydope2002: haha
: I'm gonna pass out from lack of sleep
SayRuh Rawks
: you can't get hungover if you don't have to wake up
SayRuh Rawks: awww
SayRuh Rawks: NOOOO
Shaggydope2002: haha, thats good theory
SayRuh Rawks
: i have to move furniture tommorrow
Shaggydope2002: oof
SayRuh Rawks
: and i had to take apart three beds todaqy
SayRuh Rawks: and that's not a code for being slutty
Shaggydope2002: wow
SayRuh Rawks
: i actually dismantled them
Shaggydope2002: cool
: I think
SayRuh Rawks
: i'm a hoss plus 5
Shaggydope2002: I have to be at work in a few hours and I haven't slept in days
SayRuh Rawks
: ew ew
SayRuh Rawks: skrew work
SayRuh Rawks: be my frriieiiieieieieieiiend
Shaggydope2002: haha
SayRuh Rawks
: i watched pornz tonight
Shaggydope2002: haha, I did too
SayRuh Rawks
: but it was the same crap i've seen a bunch of times
SayRuh Rawks: i wtched it with greg
SayRuh Rawks: he got a bone
Shaggydope2002: heh
SayRuh Rawks
: i laughed
SayRuh Rawks: but i still touched it
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: and then laughed some more
SayRuh Rawks: just kiddin
SayRuh Rawks: he's kinda sorta really hung
SayRuh Rawks: king dong
SayRuh Rawks: whoa
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: he thinks i'm a drunk
Shaggydope2002: you should really try to sleep
SayRuh Rawks
SayRuh Rawks: ?????
Shaggydope2002: no
SayRuh Rawks
: hahahaah
Shaggydope2002: hangovers aren't bad
SayRuh Rawks
: well i have sooo much to do tommorrow
SayRuh Rawks: i won't wake up
SayRuh Rawks: so i stayt up
SayRuh Rawks: like this
SayRuh Rawks: dun dun dun dun dun
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: send me pictures of your teeth
SayRuh Rawks: i like your teeth
SayRuh Rawks: they're all like. . .
SayRuh Rawks: :-D
SayRuh Rawks: yar yar yar
Shaggydope2002: I dont have any..
: pictures of my teeth that is
SayRuh Rawks
SayRuh Rawks: haha oh ok
SayRuh Rawks: i was gonna say
Shaggydope2002: lol
: I'm tired
SayRuh Rawks
: ok
SayRuh Rawks: i'll just go be slutty elsewhere
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: and do like this
Shaggydope2002: its alright, I'm not sleeping :-p

SayRuh Rawks
: hump hui,p hump hunmmp
SayRuh Rawks: whoa
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
Shaggydope2002: my blue smileys?
SayRuh Rawks
: you have russian aim
SayRuh Rawks: YES
SayRuh Rawks: you have kuwaiti aim
Shaggydope2002: no, I have aol
SayRuh Rawks
: yes you do
SayRuh Rawks: oh
SayRuh Rawks: well it's wacky
Shaggydope2002: I pay $30 to get colored smileys
SayRuh Rawks
: it's mind boggking
SayRuh Rawks: nuh UH
SayRuh Rawks: what a rip off
SayRuh Rawks: does it touch wesley?
Shaggydope2002: lol, what?
SayRuh Rawks
: i took the liberty of naming your peck peck for you
Shaggydope2002: lol
: wesley?
SayRuh Rawks
: if it dont' touch down theres then i would not pay them
SayRuh Rawks: sure
SayRuh Rawks: wesley
SayRuh Rawks: you can still say that name while mouth housing it
SayRuh Rawks: stick your finger in your mouth and say wesley
Shaggydope2002: lol, crazy. I hate aol, and am geting dsl soon
SayRuh Rawks
: it can be done
SayRuh Rawks: hah ait sounds kinda like 'wrestling' though
SayRuh Rawks: (i just tried it)
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: holy mackerel
SayRuh Rawks: i'm sorry to keep you awake
Shaggydope2002: what?
: nah, its cool
SayRuh Rawks
: hahaha
SayRuh Rawks: on this porn
SayRuh Rawks: this guy
SayRuh Rawks: ahahah he looked like hammer
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: he had a crew cut thinger flat top whatever
SayRuh Rawks: and shadez
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: and he fingered thids chicks ballooon knot
SayRuh Rawks: and she looked like carrie ann moss and anna paquin mixed together
SayRuh Rawks: and he had one of those rubber finger things on
SayRuh Rawks: like you're supposed to put on your finger at work if you cut yourself
Shaggydope2002: haha
SayRuh Rawks
: if you work with food
SayRuh Rawks: hahah it was awesome
SayRuh Rawks: i kept saying. ..
SayRuh Rawks: "hammer don't hurt em"
SayRuh Rawks: and greg laughed
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: he had a superbowl ring on too
SayRuh Rawks: ell
SayRuh Rawks: that's what it looked like
Shaggydope2002: superbowl?
: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: well it was big
SayRuh Rawks: i would say it was a class ring
SayRuh Rawks: but like nigs finish high school
SayRuh Rawks: pffft
Shaggydope2002: heh
SayRuh Rawks
: haha jk
Shaggydope2002: graduating and then doing porn....pfft
SayRuh Rawks
: it wouldve been funny if she dodged his spunk all matrix style
SayRuh Rawks: shwiiiiing speeeeew pow zing
Shaggydope2002: hahahahaha
SayRuh Rawks
: wow
SayRuh Rawks: superhero porn would be the best
SayRuh Rawks: BTAMAN
SayRuh Rawks: batman eeven
SayRuh Rawks: du nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh
SayRuh Rawks: SCAT MAN
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: i want to b in a band
SayRuh Rawks: it would be horrible music
SayRuh Rawks: about breaking things
Shaggydope2002: what do you play?
SayRuh Rawks
: uh nothing
SayRuh Rawks: maybe i'll be all lou perlman
SayRuh Rawks: and create a band
SayRuh Rawks: and make the dudes sing songs
Shaggydope2002: haha
SayRuh Rawks
: about breaking things
SayRuh Rawks: and not hearts
SayRuh Rawks: like serious things
SayRuh Rawks: like the locks on huffy's outside a middle school
Shaggydope2002: heh
: lol, aren't you too old to do that?
SayRuh Rawks
: "hey kid i stole your bike"
SayRuh Rawks: yeah yeah yeah yeah
SayRuh Rawks: "and after thaty i punched your mom"
SayRuh Rawks: whoa whoa whoa whoa
SayRuh Rawks: she's real hot i like her boobs
SayRuh Rawks: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: i broke your bike then you mom made me lunch
SayRuh Rawks: not only that but i shit in you bed you little fuck
SayRuh Rawks: fucky broke bike hot mom kid
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: your saving grace is ther-a-pee
SayRuh Rawks: i punched your dad
SayRuh Rawks: he said whoopee
SayRuh Rawks: oh yeah
SayRuh Rawks: yeah yeah yeah
SayRuh Rawks: the end
SayRuh Rawks: oh jesus i'm gonna make millions
SayRuh Rawks: even thousands
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: hell
SayRuh Rawks: if i make a buck o' tweleve
SayRuh Rawks: well nah
SayRuh Rawks: at least enough for a six pack
SayRuh Rawks: yeah
SayRuh Rawks: i'll roll in it
SayRuh Rawks: indecent proposal style
Shaggydope2002: help me find a good avatar for the boards
SayRuh Rawks
: ok
SayRuh Rawks: i have a picture of one of the poster's cock's pressed up on scanner glass
SayRuh Rawks: use that
SayRuh Rawks: i won't tell you whoe it is
SayRuh Rawks: but he'll know
SayRuh Rawks: and giggle
Shaggydope2002: I will not... and I bet its either kthak or tom
SayRuh Rawks
: haha nope
SayRuh Rawks: never seen their shlongs
SayRuh Rawks: um um
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: find a picture
SayRuh Rawks: of someone stepping in gum
SayRuh Rawks: i think that would be cool
SayRuh Rawks: like
SayRuh Rawks: the person picking up their foot
SayRuh Rawks: and you they're thinking
SayRuh Rawks: damn
SayRuh Rawks: and it's all stretching
SayRuh Rawks: like cheeeeeeeese
SayRuh Rawks: OR
Shaggydope2002: I found what I want as an avatar, but I cant find a picture of her that isn't nude
SayRuh Rawks
: find a pic of a girl stabbing someone
SayRuh Rawks: with a SWORD
SayRuh Rawks: SWORRRRRRDS rules
SayRuh Rawks: especially when chicks are stabbing eachother with htem
SayRuh Rawks: ::STAB::
SayRuh Rawks: YES
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: 230.jpg
Shaggydope2002: noo!
SayRuh Rawks
: her!
: but not nude
SayRuh Rawks
: ouble%20Girl.JPG
SayRuh Rawks wants to directly connect.
Shaggydope2002's software does not support sending and receiving IM image.
SayRuh Rawks: rats
Shaggydope2002: what?
SayRuh Rawks
: haah nevermine
SayRuh Rawks: is yer email
SayRuh Rawks: liek this na,e
Shaggydope2002: yeah,
SayRuh Rawks: ok
SayRuh Rawks: i sent you the pic
SayRuh Rawks: that you should use
Shaggydope2002: ok
SayRuh Rawks
: because i am fierce
SayRuh Rawks: it's purrrrfect
SayRuh Rawks: since it'll be small anyway
Shaggydope2002: lol
: you use that :-p
SayRuh Rawks
: idd you see it?????????
Shaggydope2002: yes
SayRuh Rawks
: haha i should but m host ate cockz
SayRuh Rawks: and continues to do so
SayRuh Rawks: eater of cock i say
Shaggydope2002: I can host it for you
SayRuh Rawks
: yeah but i post a lot
SayRuh Rawks: but then again
SayRuh Rawks: if you ever get pissed
SayRuh Rawks: you could always replace the pic with a throbbing veiny cock
SayRuh Rawks: and then i'd shake my head
Shaggydope2002: haha, I wouldn't do that
SayRuh Rawks
: "boy he got me good"
SayRuh Rawks: "tsk tsk"
SayRuh Rawks: but you COULD
Shaggydope2002: I did that to kthak once
SayRuh Rawks
: and just knowing you had such power
SayRuh Rawks: well i'd probably wet myself
SayRuh Rawks: haha nuh uh
Shaggydope2002: turned his signiture picture into him sucking a dick
SayRuh Rawks
SayRuh Rawks: he's a fool
SayRuh Rawks: holy shit
SayRuh Rawks: now i kinda want to stab someon
Shaggydope2002: lol DONT
SayRuh Rawks
: i'd totally ask them first
SayRuh Rawks: my sister stabbed me once
SayRuh Rawks: on accident
SayRuh Rawks: we were trying to draw on eachother while watching tv back in middle school
SayRuh Rawks: and she accidently jabbed me with a pen
SayRuh Rawks: i have a blue mark on my leg from it
SayRuh Rawks: my first tattooo
Shaggydope2002: HAHA
SayRuh Rawks
: haha seriously
SayRuh Rawks: the same sister split my lip with a jellybean
Shaggydope2002: i BELIEVE YOU
SayRuh Rawks
: she was throwing jellybeans for me to catch in my mouth
SayRuh Rawks: and it split my lip
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: haha fo cheezy it sucked
SayRuh Rawks: BUT
SayRuh Rawks: i got to spit blood
SayRuh Rawks: for a few minute
SayRuh Rawks: THAT
SayRuh Rawks: was cool
Shaggydope2002: eww
SayRuh Rawks
: omg spitting blood is the baddest ass
SayRuh Rawks: that's the only reason i like boxing
SayRuh Rawks: unless you have aids
SayRuh Rawks: then it's just rude
Shaggydope2002: haha
SayRuh Rawks
: but see
SayRuh Rawks: i'm not haitian
SayRuh Rawks: therefore if i spit blood
SayRuh Rawks: it's cool
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: unless it hurts
SayRuh Rawks: then i'm just a bitch about it
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: and i'll start slamming peoples faces into walls
SayRuh Rawks: anf then eat their lunch
SayRuh Rawks: that'll teach them
SayRuh Rawks: that is seriously so mean to do to someone
SayRuh Rawks: fuck someone up
SayRuh Rawks: and then steal and eat their lunch
SayRuh Rawks: i should write a song about that too for my boy band
Shaggydope2002: hahahahahaha, oh man, you think of some crazy shit
SayRuh Rawks
: oh come on
SayRuh Rawks: everyone thinks of it from time to time
Shaggydope2002: hahah
SayRuh Rawks
: i just appreciate the genius of stealing lunchboxes
SayRuh Rawks: this kid
SayRuh Rawks: named derek
SayRuh Rawks: in elementary school
SayRuh Rawks: got hit in the face with a lunch box
SayRuh Rawks: but you see
SayRuh Rawks: the kid who did it
Shaggydope2002: ow
SayRuh Rawks
: didn't eat his lunch
SayRuh Rawks: so the gooseegg on his head didn't mean shit
SayRuh Rawks: because he didn't eat derek's lunch
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: stealing lunch money is for the birds
SayRuh Rawks: stealing and eating the actual meal. . .
SayRuh Rawks: genius
SayRuh Rawks: well plsu fat kids do it
SayRuh Rawks: and fat kids roool
SayRuh Rawks: i mean they're seriously bitchin
SayRuh Rawks: if i ever squirt a kid out
SayRuh Rawks: it better be a boy
SayRuh Rawks: and he better be fat in grade school
SayRuh Rawks: and he better steal kids lunches
Shaggydope2002: hahaha
SayRuh Rawks
: because i ain't gonna pack him one
Shaggydope2002: should post this convo on the board...theres some funny shit here
SayRuh Rawks
: i'll send him to school with a pint of whiskey
SayRuh Rawks: and some kloeenexes
SayRuh Rawks: so i can be haunted byu this?
SayRuh Rawks: girl, please
Shaggydope2002: hahhaha, girl?!
SayRuh Rawks
: amen sista
SayRuh Rawks: i tols this kid tums were sweet tarts
Shaggydope2002: hahahaha, sleep =- good
SayRuh Rawks
: i was babysitting
SayRuh Rawks: oh ok
SayRuh Rawks: i smell ya
Shaggydope2002: no
: you need sleep
SayRuh Rawks
: i do?
SayRuh Rawks: i'm not irrational yet
SayRuh Rawks: jhust drunk
SayRuh Rawks: toot toot
Shaggydope2002: yeah
SayRuh Rawks
: ok well i'll make a link to this nonsense
Shaggydope2002: hahah
SayRuh Rawks
: just so maven can cry abaout missing out
SayRuh Rawks: little froboi
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: moustachio poofy head
SayRuh Rawks: alright i'll jerk off and go sleep and crap
SayRuh Rawks: just because you siggest such things
Shaggydope2002: lol
SayRuh Rawks
: and if i wake up and barf
SayRuh Rawks: i'll curse you
Shaggydope2002: alright. I'l accept that punishment
SayRuh Rawks
: and take a picture of it
SayRuh Rawks: for your avatar
SayRuh Rawks: night night sweet tart
Shaggydope2002: I already got my avatar picture :)
: night nigh