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Kristen's Scary Stories

Kristen's Scary Stories

Submitted by Kristen (Website's BIGGEST fan)

The night happened to be the same night Elvis died-no connection however-remember it was raining really hard.

My good friend "Gina" was having a slumber party, her 13th birthday, I think. A bunch of teen-aged girls being silly, we decided we were going to have a seance and bring back Amelia Earhart (of all people)-*Gina's walls were painted DARK grey-I remember. Weird. We prepared to do this the RIGHT way..we lit a candle and placed it in the middle of our circle-the candle had stained glass images of Jesus on it, that was wrong of us to use this candle. We started speaking the usual gibberish and laughing trying to communicate with Amelia ,when, I got a rush of what I can only call HORROR-I got that intense feeling of "something" racing towards my body....I jumped and said "Turn On The Lights Quick..NOW! just as I said that a bottle of perfume literally "flew" about 3 ft. off a small nightstand that was almost 5 ft away from us. Now we all got very quiet and scared...Gina picked up the bottle, put it back on the table and we hurried out of the room to tell her dad. He made us sleep in the living room. Gina was wanting to go back in the room-don't know why=idiot! We followed her -and as she knelt in the doorway to the bedroom, the **** bottle picked up and flew off the table AGAIN! Right before our wind, the bottle was 3/4 FULL of liquid. That was the last time I ever agreed to be involved in communicating with spirits...I think this was typical Poltergeist type of behaviour. This is when I "knew" I had an unusual connection with the paranormal-I am a "sensitive" and as I get older it has intensified. I don't encourage it-I just live with it.

Submitted by Kristen

*This event is just strange......

I was having trouble going to sleep in my usual place (in my bed in the bedroom) so I moved to our guest room to try to sleep there (we lived on the beach in a large mobile home/trailer) I had such a sick and uncomfortable feeling. It was near 3:00am, as I lay looking out the window I felt a VERY FAST presence approach me, this "thing" touched my neck (and I swear I heard it breathe) as it did this I felt my WHOLE body VIBRATE. I got panicked, jumped up and fled the room-I ran screaming, my husband thought I was nuts.

The very next night I was watching "The Nutty Professor" I'll never forget it, it was 10:30pm-just then I heard a loud BANG come from across the way, no more than 20 ft. Our very good friend had just shot himself in the head. I ran over to see if he was "OK"-* yeah right, I had no clue what he had just done before I ran over. Pretty bad scene. The police drove up and I left.

4 hrs. later I went to bed, the presence came back that night in a form that wasn't dreadful and it has been with me ever since, rarely am I unaware of it. I am trying to learn about "it" and communicate with it instead of being scared and in denial of it, it seems to be there to "protect" me (?)

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