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Jennifer's Scary Story

Hi, my name is Jennifer and I want to share with you something that changed my entire outlook on the paranormal. Before this incident happened, I did believe in the paranormal because of some other incidents that had happened to me before. Anyway, I will keep this story separate because I am sure that none of the other incidents are related. I was about 19 at the time and about 6 months pregnant with my second son, David. We moved into a remote cabin about 6 miles out of the town we were next to. The cabin is located next to a small town in Michigan. The cabin was two stories high and very beautifully built. Before we decided to take it, I knew nothing of its history and nothing about the evil I was about to face.

Two days after we had moved in, I started to feel uneasy. There were unexplanable cold spots all over the downstairs dining room. One particular cold spot always seemed to be in the corner by the fireplace. I could never imagine the things that were about to happen to me. At the time, I had a cat that was with me for a long time. One day, the cat disappeared and I never saw him again. In the kitchen and dining room I could feel someone watching me and the feelings became stronger as the days went on. My husband brought home a german sheppard puppy and soon he became our family dog. One night while watching television, my husband and I heard the most horrid gasping sound I have ever heard. I looked over at the dog as he lay on the floor. A large puddle of blood came out of his mouth and he was instantly dead! I couldn't believe it! That was something that I will never forget as long as I live. We tried to come up with rational explanations for this incident. It just did not feel right. My husband spent more time out of the house than I did. I was always there and most of the time by myself with my 3 year old son.

Well things started getting spookier. My three year old son reported to me that he had seen a figure standing in the woods as he looked out his window. My son knew nothing of the things we have experienced so far. He is 14 now and still remembers that figure in the woods and swears to what he saw. Anyway, back to the story. In March I gave birth to my second son, David. It seemed that David was picked to be a target of its anger. Two days after I brought David home from the hospital, he began to vomit and had severe diarrhea. For the next few weeks we brought him to doctors and got no answers as to what was causing all these problems. I was crying almost every night. Finally, I had to bring David to a hospital that had the technology to get some answers. He was tested over and over again and put into intensive care for about a week. After that week was up, he was able to return home again. He had gained weight and the doctors labeled him with a protein allergy of some sort. The first night back, I went to lay David down is his crib, and I heard chanting indians!!!! I could not believe my ears!!! I must have done the wrong thing by screaming at them "Please don't hurt my Baby!!!!" The next day, David's diarrhea and vomiting returned!!!! My dad had stopped over for a visit and he knew of the things that had happened. The words he said to me will always stay in my mind. He said, something is not right here..get out of this house..Jenny. Off and on, the phone would ring. I would pick it up only to find noone there...not even dial tone...just silence. This happened as I was next to the phone often.

Because of the problems I faced with my baby, I called down to speak to the doctors that had taken care of David. He was put on a man made formula. It took a couple of days for his diarrhea and vomiting to disappear. I think whatever and whoever was angry at us knew my intentions on leaving the house. Days before we moved, my husband brought over a friend's Great Dane to take care of for him. She was old, but very protective of us. One day, she disappeared and was never found. I then thought about the other animals that left us.

When I finally moved out of the house, I discovered a very disturbing history on the place. The cabin itself was built by hand by a father and son. Beneath the cabin is an indian burial site. The father of the son had died a few years back. The son is in prison for trying to kill his wife. The story is that the son started getting violent and actual shot his gun around inside this cabin. He then drove to a daycare center, went in and started stabbing his wife right in front of the children and other staff members. The mother of this man was the one who rented this cabin to me to have someone there while her son was in prison. Wow, I will never forget the things that have happened to us there.

It is almost 11 years later, I have not experienced anything since then, well at least not with angry spirits.

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