' T O O G O O D T O B E T R U E - T O R R I E W I L S O N '

Role-Play #: 01 || Record: 000 - 000 - 001 || Achievements: None As Of Yet...


Next Match/Event - Guest Referee On Raw

~*~ The scene opens in the WWF arena. Fans are going crazy and cheering most of them becoming anxious! Suddenly "Need a Little Time" blasts through the arena and Torrie Wilson walks out onto the ramp. She has a mic in her hand.... ~*~

.:Torrie Wilson:. Hello everyone..I'm sure your all wondering why I'm out here since well I don't have a match on RAW but I am in action...well sorta. I am guest referee along with Sable in the Women's Championship match! This is going to be interesting because i've seen Victoria wrestle but not this Jessyca chick. In fact I've never even heard of her, I do give credit to Stephanie for finding....new and interesting people! I would never have thought about hiring anyone who wasn't allready a wrestler in either WCW or WWF. Steph your an interesting woman! I've always thought that...but I'm not out here to talk about Stephanie! I'm out here to talk about this match...now I am going to help be as fair as possible!! Victoria is awesome I love her style! She's a lovely young woman. She's got style too, look at the pink and black mix that she wears. Now onto Jessyca...I've never seen this woman in my life!! She must be REALLY new! She looks a lot like someone I've seen before but I can't think of who....oh well! I hope Sable agrees with me when I say I will be as fair as possible when ref'ing this match! Now I have some business to take care of see you all on RAW!

~*~ "Need a Little Space" plays as Torrie leaves the ramp. She walks backstage towards a table with a soda machine near it. She grabs a dollar from her pocket and inserts it in the machine. She hits the Vanilla Coke button and grabs her bottle and when she turns around she smacks right into Victoria! Torrie looks really startled and almost drops her soda.... ~*~

-=-Victoria-=- Watch where your going you bimbo!

.:.Torrie Wilson:. Sorry I didn't see you behind me. It was a total accident....

-=-Victoria-=- Well listen here BIMBO! I know your ref'ing in MY match! You better call it fair or else something bad is going to happen to you. I'll make sure you end up losing that pretty little smile of yours!

.:.Torrie Wilson.:. Well Victoria I will be as fair as I can! It's not only me you need to worry about....Sable is ref'ing as well...!

-=-Victoria-=- Well I'm telling you now....be careful with what you do...or should I say call!!

~*~ Victoria snaps at Torrie then walks off. Torrie then wlaks to Stephanie's office and knocks on the door. She is told to come in. She goes in and Stephanie stands up from behind her desk and greets Torrie... ~*~

{-Stephanie McMahon-} Torrie...what are you doing in here??

.:Torrie Wilson:. Well Stephanie I cam in here to talk to you about Adrenaline...I don't think me and Sable should team up. I would love to team with Victoria even though you have her with Jessyca Davis. I just think me and Sable is a bad team!

{-Stephanie McMahon-} Well Torrie my mind is set...it's you and Sable against Victoria and Jessyca Davis. Unless you and Sable both come up with a reason NOT to team with each other then I MIGHT think about it Also I loved your little promo thing! Sucking up to me will get you everywhere you wanna be!

.:Torrie Wilson:. Well Steph I wasn't sucking up! I was simply stating you have good taste in finding people, I mean you did get me after-all!

~*~ Torrie smiles and leaves Stephanie's office. She then begins walking down the hallway. She smiles and waves to misc. people. She gets stopped by Micheal Cole. He sweetly asks for an interveiw... ~*~

.:Torrie Wilson:.Sure Micheal I don't mind interveiws!

'^Micheal Cole^' Well Torrie we all saw you go out and talk about being guest ref for the Victoria versus Jessyca Davis match..in your thoughts who will you be rooting for?

.:Torrie Wilson:. Well I wn't be rooting for anyone because I am a ref! I have to be 100 percent fair! I can't sit and say oh well Victoria threatened me so I'm going to do everyhting I can to have her win! It's not the Wilson way!

'^Micheal Cole^' Well Torrie I have to apologize I didn't mean to offend you in any way! It's my job to ask stuff like that.

.:Torrie Wilson:. I know it's your job! I may be blonde but I'm not stupid! I was just saying I won't be rooting for anyone in particular. I am a Diva/Ref! I have to do everything I can to be fair to everyone while looking good and kicking ass in the ring!

'^Micheal Cole^' Well Torrie thanks for this short interveiw. I have to go and interveiw some more stars for RAW...talk to you later on.

~*~ Micheal Cole walks off and Torrie watches after him... ~*~

.:Torrie Wilson:. Cute but has no sense of reason!

~*~ The scene fades out with Torrie Wilson standing there drinking some of her soda... ~*~

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