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Look Mom! The Antichrist!

My name is Toni. I'm a smart-ass hell-bound sixteen year old whose only mission in life is to make others miserable. My hobbies include robbing banks and shooting heroin. I have had unproteced sex with over 150 men, all married. That is why I have two children, a boy who is one and a half and a daugter who is four weeks. I have eleven peircings, nine of which you can see when I'm in a bikini. I have a .5 GPA and I hope to attend cosmetology school. Oh, by the way. None of this is true. My name is Toni. I'm a smart-ass sixteen year old. I like writing, acting, singings,typical left-brain things. I have slept with five people, one of them being married, two of them being people I hated, one whose name I still don't know and Greg. All I know about Greg is his name. And he drives a white car. I have no children (knock on wood). I have two peircings, both visible. I have 2.9 GPA which is close to a B, which means I need to get my ass on the ball. I plan to go to college in New York or California, both home to top fashion design programs. I want to be a writer on the sde, it is my first love. That and a guy named Ryan who is the male version of everything I said in the first paragraph. I just have to prove to Ryan that he loves me too...easy as he is. So my mission for the next two years is to make Ryan fall in love with me...this will all end in a surprise appearance by me in his hometown of Cincinnati. I will probably nail him, but you don't need to know that. I will document my progress on this webpage. Isn't it exciting? I'll call it, Missionary:Impossible.

Me? In a Nutshell...

Places to go, people to see...

My boy James' band
I'm on the E-Team...It's my job.
Support 'Uncle' Todd!
I'm a shoe freak. Ebay is God!
