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Profile of the Enemy

I Am the Enemy

Born in the wee hours of the morn on the 26th day of the 8th month. The name which I later bestowed upon myself was Aquilus Domini. I was bred, born and raised in Jackson, Mi. This wretched town may very well be where I shall die too. I am the enemy of human existence, idiocy, politics and extremist fundamentalism (aka-the majority of twits that voted for the bush wacker). All of which are horrible, horrible things.

Mental Status

Intelligent with an I.Q. between the numbers of 147 and 153 (according to a few simple tests). I am arrogant, opiniated, and very argumentative. People=Enemies.

My Likes

I'm fond of music, mostly heavy metal, death metal, fairytale metal, rock, classic rock, classical, and some country. Movies which i deem worthy are: LOTR trilogy, Hellraiser 1-6, and Death to Smoochy. I also like Interview with the Vampire and various Tim Burton films. Books that i deem worthy are: The Dark Tower series 1-7, various Anne Rice novels, and Tolkein books. I like rollerblading, ranting on and on, embracing the random, pushing the envelope, and swinging on the spiral. I am beyond entertained and enthralled with the occult sciences, actual science, dreams, and above all, my lover.

My Dislikes

Musical dislikes: Slipknot, Korn, COF, Cannibal Corpse, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Coal Chamber, Britney Spears, Christina Aguliera, and all rap. Movie Dislikes: almost anything with Adam Sandler in it and stupid movies like Kill Bill. All other Dislikes: Stupidity, most chicks, M.K., J.R., redundancy, over confident asses, and a good many other things.

Two Great Pictures of Me

Pervert's Play List