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My Home Page

Hi. My name is Gabrielle Lynn Lawrence (Gabby.) I am 20 years old. My birthday is May 9th. I have a two and a half year old son named Micheal Connor Lawrence. His birthday is on August 10th. I have one sister. Her name is Bethany Michelle Sutton (Beth.) She is married now and has three daughters (Dianna-8, Julie-5, and Jaden-3.) Our mother is in jail in Memphis (where we moved here from), for domestic assault and attempted murder of me her youngest daughter. My mother is where she will spend the next fourteen years olf her life. My youngest brother, Willy Joe Lawrence-15, is in foster care in Memphis. The oldest of all of us is my older brother, Joesph (Joey) Lee Dakin-26. He is serving time in Atlanta for an armed robbery and kidnapping charge; while his twin five year old daughters (Mason and Peyton) and his wife (Lisa) wait on him to come back home to Memphis. Mine and Willy Joe's dad lives in Birmingham, Alabama. Joey and Beth's dad just walked off the face of the earth one day.

My favorite people in the world:

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Parenting magazine.
Survivors or Domestic Abuse Association