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Engraved on Rosewood

Ok, first of all, I should explain the Purple Ribbon, right? Well, the Purple Ribbon stands for: Fight the Fear of Pagan Religions. The Ribbon is dedicated to showing people that religions should be tolerant of other religions, even if they do not understand them. I decided to put the Purple Ribbon on here because I am tired of being discriminated against because of my religion. No, it's not like yours. So what? Who really cares? Apparently only you. I will not stand to have my religion or beliefs discriminated against or otherwise shunned, scorned, or shattered. Want to know exactly what my religion, Wicca, is? Keep reading and you'll find out!

Wicca is a RELIGION. Woah, did I throw you off there? "You mean it's not all just love spells and hexes?" you ask. Well no, it isn't. Wiccans believe in and worship the Goddess and the God, whichever Goddess and God that may be. Wiccans have several different "Holidays", listed on my Sabbats and Esbats page. Each of these days relates to Nature and the role the Goddess and God play. Wiccans have respect for Nature, and everything in it. Trees, grass, animals, and people. Yes respect for even people who they dislike very much.
Wiccans, in no way, believe in or worship (the christian concept) satan, the devil, beelzabub, or anything of that manner. They are followers of an Earth-loving faith, that, in NO WAY, has anything to do with satan. The old religions from which Wicca draws it's dieties predate Christianity, and would therefore, not have any concept of such a thing. Note I said "DRAWS". Wicca is NOT The Old Religion, or an old religion at all. It got it's roots in the 1950's with the popularity of Gerald Gardner's book(s). (You're on the internet go Look them up. ;)
OK. Time for a rant. I know you want to hear it. This irks me on occasion. Well, it irks me all of the time. I hear of "Christian Wicca". Well, I've got to say, there's no such thing. Have you ever heard of "Buddhist Christian" or "Christian Muslim"? I haven't. That's because they are different religions. Now, wouldn't that go against the Christian belief in one God, and not worshipping false idols? I thought so. Some people may not like what I have about this, and that's fine. I don't like what they have to say about it either. They're entitled to their opinions, I am entitled to mine. There is such a thing as Christian Mysticism. It has to do with the more spiritual side of Christianity, but not a whole lot to do with, or anything to do with for that matter, Wicca. Oops, did I offend someone? I'm sorry, well not really. Didn't mean to dash the dreams of the "Christian Wiccans" out there.
Wicca are not evil, in general, do not practice "black magic" or cast the "evil eye", or put curses on people. Wiccas follow a doctrine called the "Wiccan Rede" which incorporates the Law of 3-fold. A main point in the Rede is "As long as though harm none, do as thou will"(this includes yourself). This relates to the Law of 3-Fold, whatever you do will come back on you 3-fold. With such a doctrine, why on earth would Wiccans do evil; it just wouldn't be worth it. Also, other than flat out poisoning people(I read this in a book somewhere passed off as a spell, how ridiculous!!!) I have never heard of a spell that was sent out to harm anyone, except for in fictional works. The only thing that I have done along these lines is to do a spell for someone to "get what they deserve". (Just helping Karma get back a little quicker).
After careful consideration, I have decided to include a Book of Shadows. However, it is only to be used as a guideline for what you do in your rituals and what not. It is better to come up with your own, as only you can determine the correct wording, and steps of your own spells for your own purposes. The best spell comes from the heart, your own heart not mine, or any authors heart or any place else. In any book that you read, any person you talk to, their suggestions are only that, just suggestions, nothing more. Guidelines as to what you should do, they are not written in stone.
Also, Wicca do not, for any purpose, eat, maime, kill, sacrifice, etc., babies, little children, people, or animals. They have the utmost respect for all creatures and would never do anything to harm them. People who do this are sick and demented, and they need help. Ever mind the rule of three, what thee sends comes back on thee... These words the Wiccan Rede fullfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will. ~ All You need to know about Wicca

"We are not evil. We don't harm or seduce people. We are not dangerous. We are ordinary people like you. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. We are not a cult. This religion is not a joke. We are not what you think we are from looking at T.V. We are real. We laugh, we cry. We are serious. We have a sense of humor. You don't have to be afraid of us. We don't want to convert you. And please don't try to convert us. Just give us the same right we give you--to live in peace. We are much more similar to you than you think." -Margot Adler
"If you take the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain." -Herbalist Carol McGrath as told to her by a Native-American woman.
"I don't think witchcraft is a religion. I would hope the military officials would take a second look at the decision they made." -G.W. Bush (R), as Governor of Texas. Interviewed on ABC's Good Morning America, 1999-JUN-24. He disapproved of Wiccan soldiers having been given the same religious rights as others in the military. This statement by our leader has changed my vote for him, and I encourage you to do the same. Who knows what he could do to us. Romor has it that he is the reason Wicca doesn't have the recognization that we disearve. NOTE: This "rumor" comes from a realiable source.

Some Misc. Sites

My friend Aroww's coven
Covens and Solitairies
Wicca's Degree System
Fellowship of the Earth - Spirituality - Paganism - Wicca
Impressions by Lirica
Astrological Moon Phases
Wiccan Clergy and Duties
Coven Information
Types of Wicca
Times of Day, Month, Year, Hour, etc.